Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Camus Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Hunston Hunston
Huntston Annaghmore Annaghmore Hunston
Huntston Cloghal Beg Cloghalbeg Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Cloghal More Cloghalmore Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Deerpark Dearpark Hunston
Huntston Derryhomes or Timolin & Derryharan Derryholmes Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Farranmacshane Farranmackshane Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Fearaghalee Fearaghalee Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Kilcummin Kilcummin Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Lisclooney Lisclooney Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Lisdaly Lisdaly Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Lisduff Lisdull Hunston
Huntston Lissaniska Lissaniska Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Moneenagunnell Moneenagunell Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown
Huntston Moystown Demesne Moytown Hunston Garrycastle Tisaran Parsonstown