Townland Details For County Waterford
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Ringville Mweelahorna South
Ringville Rathmaneneenagh
Ringville Rathnameneenagh
Ringville Ballyharrahan Ballyharrahan Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Ballynacourty North Ballynacourty, North Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Ballynacourty South Ballynacourty, South Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Ballynagaul Beg Ballynagaul Beg Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Ballynagaul More Ballynagaul More Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Ballynagaul Ballynagaul or Ringville town Ringville
Ringville Ballyreilly Ballyreilly Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Barranaleaha Barranaleaha Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Barranastook Barranastook Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Carrigeen Carrigeen Ringville
Ringville Cunnigar Cunnigar Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Faha Faha Ringville
Ringville Glenaleeriska Glenaleeriska Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Gorteen Gorteen Ringville
Ringville Gortnadiha Lower Gortnadiha, Lower Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Gortnadiha Upper Gortnadiha, Upper Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Helvick Helvick Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Killinoorin Killinoorin Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Knockanpower Lr. Knockanpower, Lower Ringville
Ringville Knockanpower Upr. Knockanpower, Upper Ringville
Ringville Knocknafreeny Knocknafreeny Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Lagnagoushee Lagnaboushee Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Leagh Leagh Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Moanbrack Moan Brack Ringville Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ringville Moat Moat Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Mweelahorna Mweelahorna Ringville
Ringville Reamanagh Rathnameneenagh Ringville Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ringville Shanacloon Shanacloon Ringville Decies within Drum Ringagonagh Dungarvan
Ringville Shanakill Shanakill Ringville
Ringville Shanbally Shanbally Ringville
Annestown Annestown Annestown Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Ballyheadon Ballyheadon Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Ballynageeragh Ballynageeragh Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Ballynagorkagh Ballynagorkagh Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Benvoy Benvoy Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Castlecraddock Castlecraddock Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Dunabrattin Dunabrattin Annestown Decies without Drum Kilbarrymeaden Kilmacthomas
Annestown Dunhill Dunhill Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Kilcannon Kilcannon Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Kilmurrin Kilmurrin Annestown Decies without Drum Kilbarrymeaden Kilmacthomas
Annestown Kilsteague Kilsteague Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Knockane Knockane Annestown
Annestown Lissaviron Lissaviron Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Lissavironbog Lissavironbog Annestown Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Annestown Newtown Newtown Annestown
Annestown Woodstown Woodstown Annestown
Ardmore Ardmore Village Ardmore Town Ardmore
Ardmore Ardocheasty Ardocheasty Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Ardoginna Ardoginna Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Ballynamertinagh Ballynamertinagh Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Ballynamona Ballynamona Ardmore
Ardmore Bawnagarrane Bawnagarrane Ardmore Decies within Drum Lisgenan or Grange Youghal
Ardmore Boherboy Boherboy Ardmore
Ardmore Coolroe Coolroe Ardmore
Ardmore Crossford Lower Crossford, Lower Ardmore
Ardmore Crossford Upper Crossford, Upper Ardmore
Ardmore Curragh Curragh Ardmore
Ardmore Drumslig Drumslig Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Duffcarrick Duffcarrick Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Dysert Dysert Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Farrangarret Farrangarret Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Grallagh Grallagh Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Knocknahoola Knocknagoola Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Monameean Moanmeean Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Monea Monea Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Youghal
Ardmore Moyng Little Moyng, Little Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Mweeling Mweeling Ardmore
Ardmore Pulla Pulla Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Reamanagh East Reamanagh, East Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Reanaclogheen Reanaclogheen Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Reanagullee Reanagullee Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Reanaskeha Reanskeha Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Rusheens Rusheens Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ardmore Scrahans Scrahans Ardmore Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Gowlaun Mountain Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ahaun Ahaun Ballymacart
Ballymacart Ballinroad Ballinroad Ballymacart
Ballymacart Ballintlea North Ballintlea, North Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballintlea South Ballintlea, South Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballycurreen North Ballycurreen, North Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballycurreen South Ballycurreen, South Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballykilmurry Ballykilmurry Ballymacart
Ballymacart Ballymacart Lower Ballymacart, Lower Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballymacart Upper Ballymacart, Upper Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballynaharda Ballynaharda Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballynamona Lower Ballynamona, Lower Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballynamona Upper Ballynamona, Upper Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Ballytrisnane Ballytrisnane Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Corbally Lower Crobally, Lower Ballymacart
Ballymacart Corbally Upper Crobally, Upper Ballymacart
Ballymacart Farranalounty Farranalounty Ballymacart
Ballymacart Gates Gates Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Gowlaun Gowlaun Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ballymacart Dungarvan
Ballymacart Hacketstown Hacketstown Ballymacart
Ballymacart Kilcolman Kilcolman Ballymacart Decies without Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Knockanroe Knockanroe Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Knocknagappul Knocknagappul Ballymacart
Ballymacart Loskeran Loskeran Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Moanfoun Moanfoun Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Monagoush Monagoush Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ballymacart Rathlead Rathlead Ballymacart Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Ahaun Ballyduff
Ballyduff Clashnamonadee Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Ballyduff Ballyduff Ballyduff
Ballyduff Ballyduff Village Ballyduff Town (part of) Ballyduff
Ballyduff Ballyeafy Ballyeafy Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Curraghacnav Curraghacnav Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Flowerhill Flowerhill Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Gairha Gairha Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Garra West Garra, West Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Garrison Garrison Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockadoonlea Knockadoonlea Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockadullaun East Knockadullaun, East Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockadullaun West Knockadullaun, West Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockananna Knockananna Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockaniska Knockaniska Ballyduff
Ballyduff Knockatouk Knockatour Ballyduff Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockaun Knockaun Ballyduff
Ballyduff Knockaunfargarve Knockaunfargarve Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knockcorragh Knockcorragh Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Knocknaglogh Knocknaglogh Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Mountainrea Mountain Rea Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Tooradoo Tooradoo Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyduff Toornagheeha Toornageeha Ballyduff Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballydurn Ballydurn Ballydurn Ballydurn Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Ballydurn Fallagh Fallagh Ballydurn Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Ballydurn Kilcanavee Kilcanavee Ballydurn Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Ballydurn Kilclooney Kilclooney Ballydurn Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Ballydurn Knockaturnery Knockaturnoy Ballydurn
Ballyhane Moneygorm Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Springfield
Ballyhane Ballyhane Ballyhane Ballyhane
Ballyhane Bawnfoun Bawnfoun Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Belleville Belleville Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Bewley Bewley Ballyhane Decies without Drum Kilmolash Lismore
Ballyhane Clashnadarriv Clashnadarriv Ballyhane Decies without Drum Kilmolash Lismore
Ballyhane Coolanheen Coolawheen Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Crinnaghtaun East Crinnaghtaun, East Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Crinnaghtaun West Crinnaghtaun, West Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Drumroe Drumroe Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Kilderriheen Kilderriheen Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Knockacronaun Knockacronaun Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Knockalahara Knockalahara Ballyhane Decies without Drum Kilmolash Lismore
Ballyhane Knockyoolahan Knockyoolahan Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Lacken Lacken Ballyhane
Ballyhane Lackenrea Lackenrea Ballyhane
Ballyhane Moneygorm East Moneygorm, East Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Moneygorm West Moneygorm, West Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Poulbautia Poulbautia Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Quarter Quarter Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Sheskin Sheskin Ballyhane
Ballyhane Sluggara Sluggara Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballyhane Sunlawn Suncawn Ballyhane Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Ballheeny Ardsallagh Ardsallagh Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Ballheeny Ballycrompane Ballycrompane Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Ballheeny Ballyheeny Ballyheeny Ballyheeny
Ballheeny Kilmaloo Kilmaloo or Clashganny Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Kinsalebeg Youghal
Ballheeny Kilmaloo East Kilmaloo, East Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Kinsalebeg Youghal
Ballheeny Kilmaloo West Kilmaloo, West Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Kinsalebeg Youghal
Ballheeny D'Loughtane O'Loughtane Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Kinsalebeg Youghal
Ballheeny Pillpark Pillpark Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Ballheeny Raheen Raheen Ballyheeny
Ballheeny Shanacool Shanacoole Ballyheeny
Ballheeny Ticknock Tiknock Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Ballheeny Tinnabinna Tinnabinna Ballyheeny Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Ballyin Ballygalane Ballygalane Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballygalane Upper Ballygalane, Upper Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballyin Lower Ballyin, Lower Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballyin Upper Ballyin, Upper Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballynadeige Ballynadeige Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballynoe Ballynoe Ballyin
Ballyin Ballyrafter Ballyrafter Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Ballyrafter Flats Ballyrafter Flats Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Carrignagower East Carrignagower, East Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Carrignagower West Carrignagower, West Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Cooladalane Lower Cooladalane, Lower Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Cooladalane Upper Cooladalane, Upper Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Cooldrishoge Cooldrishoge Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Dyrick Lower Dyrick, Lower Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenaknockaun East Glenaknockaun, East Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenaknockaun West Glenaknockaun, West Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenaveha Glenaveha Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glendeish East Glendeish, East Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glendeish West Glendeish, West Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glengarra Glengarra Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenribbeen Glenribben Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenshask Beg Glenshask Beg Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glenshask More Glenshask More Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Glentaun West Glentaun, West Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Knockaungarriff Knockaungarriff Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Lyrenacallee East Lyrenacallee, East Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Lyrenacallee West Lyrenacallee, West Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monafehadee Monafehadee Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monalour Lower Monalour, Lower Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monalour Upper Monalour, Upper Ballyin
Ballyin Monaman Lower Monaman, Lower Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monaman Upper Monaman, Upper Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monard Monard Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monatarriv East Monatarriv, East Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Monatarriv West Monatarriv, West Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Moneygorm North Moneygorm, North Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Moneygorm South Moneygorm, South Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Mountainfarm Mountainfarm Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Poulfadda Poulfadda Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Rath Lower Rath, Lower Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Rath Upper Rath, Upper Ballyin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Reanabarna Reanabarna Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Sruh East Sruh, East Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Sruh West Sruh, West Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballyin Toornagoppoge Toornagoppoge Ballyin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballylaneen Ahanaglogh Ahanaglogh Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Ballylaneen Ballylaneen Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Ballynabanoge North Ballynabanoge, North Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Ballynabanoge South Ballynabanoge, South Ballylaneen
Ballylaneen Carrowntassona Carrowntassona Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Fahafeelagh Fahafeelagh Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Garranturton Garranturton Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Graiguenageeha Graiguenageeha Ballylaneen
Ballylaneen Rathnaskilloge Rathnaskilloge Ballylaneen Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Ballylaneen Williamstown Williamstown Ballylaneen
Whitehousequarter Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Ardpaddin Ardpaddin Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Ballydonagh Ballydonagh Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Ballymacarbry Ballymacarbry Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Ballymakee Ballymakee Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Bawnfune Bawnfune Ballymacarbry
Ballymacarbry Boolabrien Lower Boolabrien, Lower Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Boolabrien Upper Boolabrien, Upper Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Castlequarter Castlequarter Ballymacarbry
Ballymacarbry Clogheen Clogheen Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Clonanav Clonanav Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Curraheenavoher Curraheenavoher Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Glasha Glasha Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Knockalisheen No. 1 Knockalisheen Ballymacarbry
Ballymacarbry Sillaheens Sillaheens Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Smallquarter Smallquarter Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Toorala Toorala Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Ballymacarbry Whitesfort Whitesfort Ballymacarbry Glenahiry Kilronan Clonmel
Kill St. Lawrence Ballynakill Gaultiere Kill St. Lawrence Waterford
Ballynakill Ballygunnercastle Ballygunnercastle Ballynakill Gaultiere Ballygunner Waterford
Ballynakill Ballygunnermore Ballygunnermore Ballynakill Gaultiere Ballygunner Waterford
Ballynakill Ballynakill Ballynakill Ballynakill
Ballynakill Bishopscourt Bishopscourt Ballynakill Gaultiere Kilcaragh Waterford
Ballynakill Carrigavoe Carrigavoe Ballynakill Gaultiere Kill St. Lawrence Waterford
Ballynakill Couse Couse Ballynakill Gaultiere Kill St. Lawrence Waterford
Ballynakill Farranshoneen Farransmoneen Ballynakill Gaultiere Ballynakill Waterford
Ballynakill Grantstown Grantstown Ballynakill Gaultiere Ballynakill Waterford
Ballynakill Kilcaragh Kilcaragh Ballynakill Gaultiere Kilcaragh Waterford
Ballynakill Killure Killure Ballynakill Gaultiere Killure Waterford
Ballynakill Knockboy Knockboy Ballynakill
Ballynakill Little Island Little Island Ballynakill Gaultiere Ballynakill Waterford
Ballynakill Monamintra Monamintra Ballynakill Gaultiere Monamintra Waterford
Ballynakill Williamstown Williamstown Ballynakill
Ballynamult Ballynaguilkee Lower Ballynaguilkee, Lower Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Ballynaguilkee Upper Ballynaguilkee, Upper Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Ballynamult Ballynamult Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Bonatouk Bonatouk, or Monatouk Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Broemountain Broemountain Ballynamult
Ballynamult Corradoon Corradoon Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Doon Doon Ballynamult Decies without Drum Seskinan Lismore
Ballynamult Dyrick Dyrick Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Ballynamult Farnane Lower Farnane, Lower Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Ballynamult Farnane Upper Farnane, Upper Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Ballynamult Lickoran Lickoran Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Ballynamult Lisleagh Lisleagh Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Ballynamult Lyrattin Lyrattin Ballynamult Decies without Drum Lickoran Lismore
Knocknagappul Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Knocknaboul Knocknaboul Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Logleagh Logleagh Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Monataggart Monataggart Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Reacumaglanna Reacaumaglanna Ballysaggartmore Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Reanacoolagh East Reanacoolagh, East Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Reanacoolagh West Reanacoolagh, West Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Ross Ross Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Seemochuda Seemochuda Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Shanavoola Shanavoola Ballysaggartmore Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Ballysaggartmore Ballysaggartmore Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Barrananianoge Barranamanoge Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Caumglen Caumglen Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Cloghaun Cloghaun Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Cool Cool Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Coolishal Coolishal Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Coolnaneagh Coolnaneagh Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Curragh Curragh Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Deerpark Deerpark Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Feagarrid Feagarrid Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Garrynoe Garrynoe Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Glenmore Glenmore Ballysaggartmore
Ballysaggartmore Knockadav Knockadav Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Knockaniska East Knockaniska, East Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Knockaunarast Knockaunarast Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Ballysaggartmore Knockeengancan Knockeengancan Ballysaggartmore Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Bohadoon Balleighteragh East Balleighteragh, East Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Balleighteragh West Balleighteragh, West Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Bohadoon Mountain Bohadoon Mountain Bohadoon
Bohadoon Bohadoon North Bohadoon, North Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Bohadoon South Bohadoon, South Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Carrowncashlane Carrowncashlane Bohadoon
Bohadoon Coolnasmear Lower Coolnasmear, Lower Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Coolnasmear Mountain Coolnasmear, Mountain Bohadoon
Bohadoon Coolnasmear Upper Coolnasmear, Upper Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Kilnafrehan West Kilnafrehan West Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Kilnafrehan East Kilnafrehan, East Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Kilnafrehan Middle Kilnafrehan, Middle Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Knockaunagloon Knockaunagloon Bohadoon Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Bohadoon Knocknamaulee Knocknamaulee Bohadoon Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Bohadoon Knockroe Knockroe Bohadoon
Ballylemon Wood Cappagh
Cappagh Coolnanav Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Ballylemon Ballylemon Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Ballylemon (Lower) Ballylemon, Lower Cappagh
Cappagh Ballylemon (Upper) Ballylemon, Upper Cappagh
Cappagh Ballynacourty Ballynacourty Cappagh
Cappagh Ballynahemery Ballynahemery Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Ballynamintra (Middle) Ballynamintra, Middle Cappagh
Cappagh Ballynamintra (Upper) Ballynamintra, Upper Cappagh
Cappagh Cappagh Cappagh Cappagh
Cappagh Garraunfadda Garraunfadda Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Glenavaddra Glenavaddra Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Kilcannon (Hely) Kilcannon Cappagh Middlethird Dunhill Kilmacthomas
Cappagh Kilcannon (Osborne) Kilcannon (Osborne) Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Killeeshal Killeeshal Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Knockacullen Knockacullen Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Knockaun Knockaun Cappagh
Cappagh Knockmaon Knockmaon Cappagh Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Cappagh Knocknacrooha (Lower) Knocknacrooha, Lower Cappagh
Cappagh Knocknacrooha (Upper) Knocknacrooha, Upper Cappagh
Fadduaga Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Glennafallia Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Affane Affane Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Affane Hunter Affane Hunker Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Ballynoe Ballynoe, East Cappoquin
Cappoquin Barrack Street Barrack Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Bleanahouree Blenahouree Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Boggagh Boggagh Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Boherboy Boherboy Cappoquin
Cappoquin Boherboyrea Boherboyrea Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Boola Boola Cappoquin
Cappoquin Cappoquin Cappoquin Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Cappoquin Demesne Cappoquin Demesne Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Carrigeen Carrigeen Cappoquin
Cappoquin Castle Street Cassels Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Cluttahina Cluttahina Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Cork Street Cooke Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Coolagortboy Coolagortboy Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Coolnacreena Coolnacreena Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Coolnasmuttaun Coolnasmuttaun Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Feddaun Feddaun Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Glentaun East Glentaun, East Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Green Street Green Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Knockaun East Knockaun, East Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Knockaunacuit Knockaunacuit Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Knockboy Knockboy Cappoquin
Cappoquin Knocknafallia Knocknafallia Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Knocknafrehane Knocknafrehane Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Knocknasheega Knocknasheega Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Knocknanask Knocknawask Cappoquin Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Lefanta Lefanta Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Littlebridgeinches Littlebridgeinches Cappoquin
Cappoquin Lyre East Lyre, East Cappoquin
Cappoquin Main Street Main Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Mass Lane Street Mass Lane Cappoquin
Cappoquin Meoul Meoul Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Mill Street Mill Street Cappoquin
Cappoquin Monabreeka Monabreeka Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Monavugga Monavugga Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Moonboy Monboy Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Mount Mellary Mountmellery Cappoquin
Cappoquin Mountrivers Mountrivers Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Parknoe Parknoe Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Pound Lane Pound Lane Cappoquin
Cappoquin Salterbridge Salterbridge Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Scrahans East Scrahans, East Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Scrahans West Scrahans, West Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Shanbally Shanbally Cappoquin
Cappoquin Tinnagroun Tinnagroun Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Tintur Tintur Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Tooranaraheen Tooranaraheen Cappoquin Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Cappoquin Turbeha Turgeha Cappoquin Decies without Drum Affane Lismore
Cappoquin Twig Lane Twig Bog Cappoquin
Carrickbeg Carrickbeg Part of Carrickbeg Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Kilmoleran Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Coolnamuck Demesne Coolnamuck Demesne Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Dysert Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Coolnamuck East Coolnamuck, East Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Dysert Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Coolnamuck West Coolnamuck, West Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Dysert Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Corragina Corragina Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Dysert Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Crehanagh South Crehanagh, South Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Fenoagh Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Garravoone Garravoone Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Kilmoleran Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Joanstown Joanstown Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Kildroughtaun Kildroughtaun Carrigbeg Rural Upperthird Dysert Carrick on Suir
Carrickbeg Sheskin Sheskin Carrigbeg Rural
Carrickbeg Windgap or Ardmore Windgap or Ardmore Carrigbeg Rural
Carrigcastle Ballyvoony Ballyvoony Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Brenan Brenan Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Carrigcastle Carrigcastle Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Killelton Killelton Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Lisard Lisard Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Monakirka Monakirka Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Stradbally Kilmacthomas
Carrigcastle Seafield Seafield Carrigcastle Decies without Drum Ballylaneen Kilmacthomas
Carriglea Ballintaylor Lower Ballintaylor Lower Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballintaylor Upper Ballintaylor Upper Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballycullane Beg Ballycullane Beg Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballycullane More Ballycullane More Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballyduff Ballyduff Carriglea
Carriglea Ballyduff Beg Ballyduff Beg Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballyduff More Ballyduff More Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballyguiry Ballyguiry Carriglea Decies within Drum Ardmore Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballyguiry East Ballyguiry East Carriglea Decies within Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Ballyguiry West Ballyguiry West Carriglea Decies within Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Barranastook Lower Barranastook Lower Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Carriglea Carriglea Carriglea
Carriglea Carrigroe Carrigroe Carriglea
Carriglea Coolatoor Coolatoor Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Coolcormuck Coolcormuck Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Kilmurry Kilmurry Carriglea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Carriglea Kilnafarna Lower Kilnafana Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Kilnafarna Upper Kilnafana Upper Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Lauragh Lauragh Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Mountodell Mountodell Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Carriglea Parkeenagarra Parkeenagarra Carriglea Decies without Drum Whitechurch Dungarvan
Castlerichard Ahaunboy South Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballinaroan West
Castlerichard Aglish Aglish Castlerichard
Castlerichard Ahaunboy North Ahaunboy, North Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballyduff Upper Ballyduff Upper Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballyduff Lower Ballyduff, Lower Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballygally Ballygally Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballygally East Ballygally, East Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballymartin North Ballymartin, North Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballymartin South Ballymartin, South Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ballynerron East Ballynerroon, East Castlerichard
Castlerichard Bawnbrack Bawnbrack Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Cloonbeg Cloonbeg Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Coolowen Coolowen Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Coolowen Little Coolowen, Little Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Coolydoddy Coolydoody Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Coolydoddy North Coolydoody, North Castlerichard
Castlerichard Coolydoddy South Coolydoody, South Castlerichard
Castlerichard Curraghreigh North Curraghreigh, North Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Curraghreigh South Curraghreigh, South Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Fortwilliam Fortwilliam Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Garrybrittas Garrybrittas Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Garrycloyne Garrycloyne Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Glenbeg Glenbeg Castlerichard
Castlerichard Glencairn Glencairn Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Knocknamuck North Knocknamuck, North Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Knocknamuck South Knocknamuck, South Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Lisfinny Lisfinny Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Ralph Ralph Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Shean Beg Shean Beg Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Shean More Shean More Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Tallowbridge Lands Tallowbridge Lands Castlerichard Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Castlerichard Tober Tober Castlerichard Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Clashmore Town Clashmore
Clashmore Abartagh Abartagh Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Ballindrumma Ballindrumma Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Ballinure Ballinure Clashmore
Clashmore Ballynaclash Ballynaclash Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Ballynamultina Ballynamultina Clashmore
Clashmore Clashmore Clashmore Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Coolbagh Coolbagh Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Coolbooa Coolbooa Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Craggs Craggs Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Kilgabriel Kilgabriel Clashmore Decies without Drum Kinsalebeg Youghal
Clashmore Kilmore Kilmore Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Knockanearis Knockanearis Clashmore Decies within Drum Clashmore Youghal
Clashmore Knockaniska Knockaniska Clashmore
Clashmore Lackamore Lackamore Clashmore
Ballynaskeha, More Clonea
Clonea Kilbeg
Clonea Cloncoskoran Cloncoskoran Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Clonea Clonea Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Clonea Lower Clonea, Lower Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Clonea Middle Clonea, Middle Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Clonea Upper Clonea, Upper Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Curraghphilipeen Curraghphilipeen Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Cushcam Cushcam Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Deelish Deelish Clonea Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Clonea Garranbaun Garranbaun Clonea Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Clonea Garrynageragh E. Garrynageragh, East Clonea
Clonea Garrynageragh W. Garrynageragh, West Clonea
Clonea Glen Glen Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Glennaphuca Glennaphuca Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Glenstown Glenstown Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Kilgrovan Kilgrovan Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Killerguile Killerguile Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Killineen East Killineen, East Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Killineen West Killineen, West Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Kilminnin North Kilminnin, North Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Kilminnin South Kilminnin, South Clonea
Clonea Knockahavaun Knockahavaun Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Knocknagranagh Knocknagranagh Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Knockyoolahan East Knockyoolahan, East Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Knockyoolahan West Knockyoolahan, West Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Monarud Monarud Clonea Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Clonea Monarud Mountain Monarud Mountain Clonea
Clonea Monminane Monminane Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Scart Scart Clonea
Clonea Scartore Scartone Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Tallacoolbeg Tallacoolbeg Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Tullacoolmore Tallacoolmore Clonea Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Clonea Whitestown East Whitestown East Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Whitestown West Whitestown, West Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Acres Acres Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Ballaghavorraga Ballaghavorraga Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Ballinroad Ballinroad Clonea
Clonea Ballintoor Ballintoor Clonea Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Clonea Ballynacourty Ballynacourty Clonea
Clonea Ballynalahessery North Ballynalahessery, North Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Ballynalahessery South Ballynalahessery, South Clonea Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Clonea Ballyneal Ballyneal Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Clonea Ballyrandle Ballyrandle Clonea Decies without Drum Clonea Dungarvan
Clonea Bridgetown Bridgetown Clonea Upperthird Mothel Carrick on Suir
Colligan Ballyconnery Lower Ballyconnery, Lower Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Ballyconnery Upper Ballyconnery, Upper Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Ballyknock Lower Ballyknock, Lower Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Ballyknock Upper Ballyknock, Upper Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Ballymacmague East Ballymacmague, East Colligan Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Colligan Ballymacmague North Ballymacmague, North Colligan Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Colligan Ballymacmague South Ballymacmague, South Colligan Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Colligan Ballymacmague West Ballymacmague, West Colligan Decies without Drum Dungarvan Dungarvan
Colligan Ballyneety Ballyneety Colligan
Colligan Colligan Beg Colligan Beg Colligan Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Colligan Colligan More Colligan More Colligan Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Colligan Colligan Mountain Colligan Mountain Colligan
Colligan Colligan Wood Colligan Wood Colligan
Colligan Currabaha Currabaha Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Curraghnamaddree Curraghnamaddree Colligan Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Colligan Garryclone Garryclone Colligan Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Colligan Garryduff Garryduff Colligan
Colligan Gliddane Beg Gliddane Beg Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Gliddane More Gliddane More Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Greenane Greenane Colligan Decies without Drum Colligan Dungarvan
Colligan Inchindrisla Inchindrisla Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Inchandrisla Wood Inchindrislawood Colligan
Colligan Kilgobnet Kilgobnet Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Colligan Killadangan Killadangan Colligan Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Comeragh Briska Lower Briska, Lower Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Briska Upper Briska, Upper Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Comeragh Comeragh Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Comeraghmountain Comeragh Mountain Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Comerghhouse Comeraghhouse Comeragh
Comeragh Crough Crough Comeragh
Comeragh Gortnalaght Gortnalaght Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Kilcomeragh Kilcomeragh Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Knockanacullin Knockanacullin Comeragh Decies without Drum Kilrossanty Kilmacthomas
Comeragh Lemybrien Lemybrien Comeragh
Comeragh Lyre Lyre Comeragh
Lackandarra, Lower Courmaraglin
Coumaraglin Ballynakill Ballynakill Courmaraglin
Coumaraglin Barracree Barracree Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Barracree Mountain Barracree Mountain Upper Courmaraglin
Coumaraglin Coumaraglin Coumaraglin Mountain Courmaraglin
Coumaraglin Kilbryan Lower Kilbryan, Lower Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Kilbryan Upper Kilbryan, Upper Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Lackandarra Lackandarra Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Seskinan Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Lackandarra Upper Lackandarra, Upper Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Seskinan Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Scartnadriny Scartnadriny Courmaraglin Decies without Drum Kilgobnet Dungarvan
Coumaraglin Scartnadriny Mountain Scartnadriny Mountain Courmaraglin
Aglish Town (part of) Dromana
Dromana Aglish Aglish Dromana
Dromana Ballingowan East Ballingowan, East Dromana Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromana Ballingowan West Ballingowan, West Dromana Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromana Ballynacourty Ballynacourty Dromana
Dromana Bleach Bleach Dromana Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromana Coolahest Coolahest Dromana Decies without Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromana Curraghmoreen Curraghmoreen Dromana Decies without Drum Kilmolash Dungarvan
Dromana Curraghroche Curraghroche Dromana Decies without Drum Affane Dungarvan
Dromana Dromana North Dromana North Dromana
Dromana Moneyvroe Monyvroe Dromana Decies without Drum Affane Dungarvan
Dromana Villierstown Villierstown Dromana Decies without Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Ballycullane Ballycullane Dromore
Dromore Curradarra Curradarra Dromore Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Curraheen Curraheen Dromore
Dromore Dromore Dromore Dromore Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Cooneen Glenassy or Cooneen Dromore Decies without Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Graigue Graigue Dromore
Dromore Lackensillagh Lackensillagh Dromore Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Monagally East Monagally, East Dromore
Dromore Monagally West Monagally, West Dromore Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Dromore Shanakill Shanakill Dromore
Dromore Tinnascart Tinnascart Dromore Decies within Drum Aglish Dungarvan
Drumcannon Ballinattin Ballinattin Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumcannon Ballykinsella Ballykinsella Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumcannon Ballyknock Ballyknock Drumcannon
Drumcannon Castletown Castletown Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumcannon Drumcannon Drumcannon Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumcannon Killowen Killowen Drumcannon
Drumcannon Lisselan Lissenan Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumcannon Quillia Quillia Drumcannon Middlethird Drumcannon Waterford
Drumroe Glenasaggart Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Ballinwillin Ballinwillin Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Ballywelligan Ballywelligan Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Bawnmore Bawnmore Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Boolakiley Boolakiley Drumroe Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Camphire Camphire Drumroe Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Camphirehill Camphirehill Drumroe Coshmore & Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Clashnamrock Clashnamrock Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Curragraig Curragraig Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Drumroe Lower Drumroe, Lower Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Drumroe Upper Drumroe, Upper Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Kilbree West Kilbree West Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Kilbree East Kilbree, East Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Killahally East Killahaly, East Drumroe
Drumroe Monvore Monvore Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Norrisland Norrisland Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Okyle Okyle Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Pallis Pallis Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Scart Scart Drumroe
Drumroe Tourin Tourin Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Tourin Demense Tourin Demesne Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Drumroe Tubbrid Tubbrid Drumroe Coshmore and Coshbride Lismore & Mocollop Lismore
Clogherane Dungarvan No. 1 Urban Decies without Drum Kilrush Dungarvan
Dungarvan Harbour Dungarvan No. 1 Urban
O'Connell Street P.O Dungarvan No. 1 Urban
Spring Marquis Dungarvan No. 1 Urban
Dungarvan No. 1 Church Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Cross Strand Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Crossbridge Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Davis Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Davitts Quay
Dungarvan No. 1 Dirty Lane
Dungarvan No. 1 Emmett Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Grattan Square
Dungarvan No. 1 Jacknell Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Long Row Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Lord Edward Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Loughmore Decies without Drum Kilrush Dungarvan
Dungarvan No. 1 Mitchell Street
Dungarvan No. 1 New Lane
Dungarvan No. 1 Parnell Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Stephen Street
Dungarvan No. 1 Thomas F. Meagher St.
Dungarvan No. 1 Abbey View Abbeyview Street Dungarvan No. 1 Urban
Dungarvan No. 1 Ballynamuck East Ballyamuck East Dungarvan No. 1 Urban Decies without Drum Kilrush Dungarvan
Dungarvan No. 1 Barrack Lane Barrack Lane Dungarvan No. 1 Urban