Townland Details For County Carlow
Note: Click on any heading to sort on that column. Sorting may take up to one minute depending on the size of County.

1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Agha Agha Agha Agha Idrone East Agha Carlow
Agha Newtown Bewtown Agha Idrone East Carlow
Agha Cloneen Cloneen Agha Idrone East Carlow
Agha Rathedon Ratheadon Agha Idrone East Carlow
Agha Rathwade Rathwade Agha Idrone East Agha Carlow
Ballynacarrig Ballinacarrig Ballinacarrig Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Ballybannon Ballybannow Ballinacarrig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Ballybar Lower Ballybar Lower Ballinacarrig Carlow Clonmelsh Carlow
Ballynacarrig Ballycarney Ballycarney Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Cloghna Cloghua Ballinacarrig Carlow Cloydagh Carlow
Ballynacarrig Kilmeany Kilmecny Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Monacurragh Monacurragh Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Park Park Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Quinagh Quinnagh Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballynacarrig Stapelstown Staplestown Ballinacarrig Carlow Ballinacarrig Carlow
Ballintemple Ardattin Ardallin Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Ballinstraw Ballinastraw Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Ballintemple Ballintemple Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Ballynoe or Newtown Ballynoe or Newtown Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Broomville or Clonachond Bromville Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Coolive Coolroe Ballintemple St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Carlow
Ballintemple Crannes Craans Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Kilgraney Kilgraney Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Knocknatubrid Knocknatubrid Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Leaney Leaney Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Newstown Newstown Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Orchard Orchard Ballintemple Carlow
Ballintemple Rathuragh Ratheeragh Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Rathvarnan Rathvarrin Ballintemple Forth Ardoyne Carlow
Ballintemple Woodlands Woodlands Ballintemple St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Carlow
Ballon Ballon Village Forth Carlow
Ballon Ballinivally Ballinvally Ballon Forth Carlow
Ballon Ballon Ballon Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Ballylower Bally Lower Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Ballyleen Ballykeen Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Ballymogue Ballymogue Ballon Forth Carlow
Ballon Cappagh Cappagh Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Closh Clish Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Crampursheen Craanpurshun Ballon Forth Carlow
Ballon Drisoge Drisogue Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Kilmurry Kilmurry Ballon Forth Ballon Carlow
Ballon Lisgarvan Lisgarran Ballon Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Ballon Laragh Tarragh Ballon Forth Carlow
Ballyellen and Tomdarragh Ballyellen
Kilcummey Ballyellen
Ballyellin Ballyellin and Tomdarragh Ballyellan and Tomdarragh Ballyellen Idrone East Ballyellin Carlow
Ballyellin Ballyfeanan or Ballywhinnin Ballyfeanan or Ballywhinnin Ballyellen Idrone East Carlow
Ballyellin Ballymartin Ballymartin Ballyellen Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Ballyellin Clomoney Clomoney Ballyellen Idrone East Carlow
Ballyellin Currane Currane Ballyellen Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Ballyellin Kilcloney Kilcloney Ballyellen Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Ballyellin Kilcumney Kilcumney Ballyellen Idrone East Carlow
Ballyellin Knockmanus Knockmames Ballyellen Idrone East Ballyellin Carlow
Ballyellin Oldtown Oldtown Ballyellen Idrone East Carlow
Ballymoon Ballymoon Ballymoon Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Ballywilliam Roe Ballywilliamroe Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Carrigbeg Carrig Beg Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Carrigmore Carrig More Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Carrigpark Carrigpark Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Clonacur Clonacur Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Coolnapish Coolnapish Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Gormona Gormona Ballymoon Idrone East Carlow
Ballymoon Lebanasigh Labanasigh Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Ballymoon Seskinryan Seskinryan Ballymoon Idrone East Carlow
Ballymoon Toberbride Toberbride Ballymoon Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Knockymullgurry Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Lacken Ballymurphy
Mullannagaun Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Rocksavage Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Seskin Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballymurphy Ballybeg Bigs Ballybeg Big Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballymurphy Ballyglisheen Ballyglisheen Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballymurphy Ballymurphy Ballymurphy Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballymurphy Gowlin Goolin Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballymurphy Kilmissan Kilmissan Ballymurphy St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Scortreen or Knocknagundarragh Borris
Owlbeg Borris Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Ballyteigelan Borris
Borris Awlbeg Idrone East Carlow
Borris Knocknagundarragh Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Borris Ballinagrane Ballinagrane Borris Idrone East Carlow
Borris Ballygraney Ballygraney Borris Idrone East Ballyellin Carlow
Borris Ballynattin Ballynatten Borris Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Borris Ballyteigelea Ballyteigelea Borris Idrone East Carlow
Borris Borris Borris (a) Borris Idrone East Clonygoose Carlow
Borris Cloneygoose Clonegoose Borris Idrone East Carlow
Borris Kilcoltrim Kilcolltrim Borris Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Borris Lower Borris Lower Borris Idrone East Carlow
Borris Pound Lane Pound Lane Borris Idrone East Carlow
Borris Upper Borris Upper Borris Idrone East Carlow
Knockarda (Palatine Town) Barton Hall
Burton Hall Ballylennon Ballylennon Barton Hall Carlow Urglin Carlow
Burton Hall Ballyvergal Ballyvergal Barton Hall Carlow Urglin Carlow
Burton Hall Burton Hall Demesne Barton Hall Demesne Barton Hall Carlow Carlow
Burton Hall Gurteengrone Gorteengrone Barton Hall Carlow Urglin Carlow
Burton Hall Killyshane Killeshane (Palatine Town) Barton Hall Carlow Urglin Carlow
Burton Hall Knockarda Knockarda Barton Hall Carlow Urglin Carlow
Burton Hall Rainstown Ramstown Barton Hall Carlow Carlow
Mortarstown Lower Carlow Rural Carlow Carlow Carlow
Mortarstown Upper Carlow Rural Carlow Carlow Carlow
Kernanstown Carlow Rural
Aughanure Carlow Rural
Bestfield or Durganstown Carlow Rural
Carlow Rural Part 1 Carlow Rural
Carlow Rural Part 2 Carlow Rural
Chaplestown Carlow Rural
Pollerton Big Carlow Rural Carlow Carlow Carlow
Pollerton Little Carlow Rural Carlow Carlow Carlow
Newgarden Carlow Rural Carlow Painestown Carlow
Rathnapish Rural Carlow Rural
Oakpark or Painstown Carlow Rural
Strawhall Rural Carlow Rural
Yellow Street Carlow Urban
Court Place Carlow Urban
Carlow Aughanure Carlow Carlow
Carlow Bestfield or Dunganstown Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow Carlow Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow Rural Carlow Carlow
Carlow Chaplestown Carlow Carlow
Carlow Kernanstown Carlow Carlow
Carlow Kirnanstown Carlow Carlow
Carlow Mortarstown Lower Carlow Carlow Carlow
Carlow Mortarstown Upper Carlow Carlow Carlow
Carlow Newgarden Carlow Painestown Carlow
Carlow Oak Park or Painstown Carlow Carlow
Carlow Pollerton Beg Carlow Carlow
Carlow Pollerton Little Carlow Carlow Carlow
Carlow Rathnapish Rural Carlow Carlow
Carlow Strahall Rural Carlow Carlow
Carlow Tullow Street Carlow Carlow
Carlow Accomodation Road Accomodation Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Athy Athy Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Ballymanus Terrace Ballamanus Terrace Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Barrack Street Barrack Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Barrack Little Barrack Street Little Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Brewery lane Brewery Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Bridewell lane Bridewell Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Bridge Bridge Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Brown Street Brown Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Barrin Street Burren Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow Quay Carlow Quay Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Carlow Urban Carlow Urban (part of) Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Castle Hill Castle Hill Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Castle Street Castle Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Centaure Street Centaur Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Charlotte Street Charlotte Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Church Street Church Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Coal Market Coal Market Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Cock Pit lane Cockpit Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow College Street College Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Cox's lane Coxs Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Granby Row Cranby Row Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Dublin Road Dublin Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Dublin Street Dublin Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Grave Lane Grave Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Green Lane Green Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Hanover Bridge Hanover Bridge Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Hanover Road Hanover Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Hay Market Hay Market Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow John Street John Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Lawry's Lane Lowery's Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Mill Lane Mill Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Montgomery Street Montgomery Street Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Pollerton Road Pellerton Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Pembroke Road Pembroke Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Potato Market Potato Market Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Rathnapish Urban Rathnapish Urban (part of) Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Staplestown Road Stapelstown Road Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Strawhall Urban Strawhall Urban (part of) Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Tawing Path Towing Path Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Water Lane Water Lane Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Carlow Wellington Square Wellington Square Carlow Urban Carlow Carlow
Idrone West Clogrennan
Raheendoran Town Clogrennan
Clogrennane Ballyfowan Idrone West Carlow
Clogrennane Tomard Lower Idrone West Tullowcreen Carlow
Clogrennane Ballinnabranagh Ballinabranagh Clogrennan Idrone West Cloydagh Carlow
Clogrennane Ballygowan Ballygowan Clogrennan Idrone West Carlow
Clogrennane Clogrennane Clogrenan Clogrennan Idrone West Cloydagh Carlow
Clogrennane Craanluskey Craanluskey Clogrennan Idrone West Carlow
Clogrennane Fonthill Fonthill Clogrennan Idrone West Cloydagh Carlow
Clogrennane Killeshal Killeeshal Clogrennan Idrone West Cloydagh Carlow
Clogrennane Raheendoran Raheendoran Clogrennan Idrone West Cloydagh Carlow
Clonegal Ballypierce Ballypierce Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Barragh Shillelagh
Clonegal Ballyredmond Ballyredmond Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Shillelagh
Clonegal Ballyshancarragh Ballyshincarragh Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Barragh Shillelagh
Clonegal Clonegal Clonegal Clonegal
Clonegal Clonegal Town Clonegall Town Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Carlow
Clonegal Clongarron Clongarron Clonegal
Clonegal Clanogan Clonogan Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Shillelagh
Clonegal Crowsgrove Crowsgrove Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Barragh Shillelagh
Clonegal Huntington Huntington Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Shillelagh
Clonegal Kilcarry Kilcarry Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Shillelagh
Clonegal Kildavin Kildavin Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Barragh Shillelagh
Clonegal Jackabeg Lackabeg Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Barragh Shillelagh
Clonegal Monaughrim Monanghrim Clonegal St. Mullin's Upper Moyacomb Shillelagh
Clonmore Ballaghaelay Ballaghacky Clonmore
Clonmore Ballinagilky Ballinagilky Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Ballyduff Ballyduff Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Ballynakill Ballynakill Clonmore
Clonmore Ballyshare Ballyshane Clonmore Rathvilly Crecrin Shillelagh
Clonmore Bellshill Bellshill Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Bellmount Belmont Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Blackhill Blackhill Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Carrare Carranea Clonmore
Clonmore Clonmore Clannore Clonmore
Clonmore Coolalaw Coolalaw Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Croneskagh Lower Cranaskeagh Lower Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Crecrin Creerin Clonmore Rathvilly Crecrin Shillelagh
Clonmore Croneskagh Upper Cronaskeagh Upper Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Davisshill Davisshill Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Eaglehill Eaglehill Clonmore
Clonmore Eaglehill Newton Eaglehill Newtown Clonmore
Clonmore Glebe Glebe Clonmore
Clonmore Island Island Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Killalongford Killalongford Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Knockballystine Knockballastine Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Minvaud Lower Minvaud Lower Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Minvaud Upper Minvaud Upper Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Oldtown Oldtown Clonmore
Clonmore Raheen Raheen Clonmore
Clonmore Redbog Redbog Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Clonmore Vermount Vermont Clonmore Rathvilly Clonmore Shillelagh
Rathgeran Coonague St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Walshtown or Ballynabranagh Coonague
Knockroe Coonague
Coonague Coonague
Corries or Corrymore Corries
Corries Aghabeg Aghabeg Corries Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Corries Ballycormick Ballycormick Corries
Corries Ballyloughan Ballyloughan Corries Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Corries Coolnacuppoge Coolnacuppoge Corries Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Corries Corries or Corrymore Corries or Corry More Corries
Corries Currenree or Corrybeg Currenree or Corry Beg Corries
Corries Heath Heath Corries Idrone East Lorum Carlow
Corries Knocklonegad Knocklonegad Corries
Corries Knockullard Knockwlard Corries Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Corries Lorum Lorum Corries Idrone East Lorum Carlow
Corries Skahanrane Skahanrane Corries Idrone East Lorum Carlow
Cranemore Carnichduff
Cranemore Ballinvalley Ballinvalley Cranemore
Cranemore Barnahask Barnahask Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Barragh Barragh Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Bunnagurragh Bunnagarragh Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Carrickduff Carrickduff Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Clonmullen Clonmullen Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Craan Craan Cranemore
Cranemore Cranemore Cranemore Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Cronaleigh Croneleigh Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Deerpark New Deerpark New Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Deerpark Old Deerpark Old Cranemore Forth Barragh Enniscorthy
Cranemore Glebe Glebe Cranemore
Cranemore Kilbranish North Kilbranish North Cranemore
Cranemore Kilbranish South Kilbranish South Cranemore
Cranemore Moneygrough Moneygrough Cranemore
Cranemore Raheen Raheen Cranemore
Cranemore Sherwood on Dukes Park Sherwood or Dukes Park Cranemore
Fennagh Ballaghaderneen Ballaghderneen Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Ballybrommell Ballybrommel Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Ballydarcon Ballydartown Fennagh
Fennagh Ballyknockan Town Ballyknockan Town Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Ballyknochan Ballyknockhan Fennagh
Fennagh Ballytimmin Ballytimmin Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Boghouse Boghouse Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Boherduff Boherduff Fennagh Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Fennagh Clonetoose Clonatoose Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Clonbullogue or Ballycallon Clonbullogue Fennagh
Fennagh Clonegah Clonegath Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Crannaha Cranaha Fennagh
Fennagh Fennagh Fennagh Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Glebe Glebe Fennagh
Fennagh Janeville or Kilgarron Janeville Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Kilconnor Kilconnor Fennagh
Fennagh Kilmanglin Kilmaglin Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Lumcloon Lumcloon Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Moanmore Moanmore Fennagh
Fennagh Mountmelican Mountmelican Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Rathercan Rathercan Fennagh Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Fennagh Upton or Ballyhubbock Upton Ballyhubbock Fennagh
Garryhill Clonee East Forth Myshall Carlow
Garryhill Ballinakill Ballinakill Garryhill
Garryhill Booldurragh Booldurragh Garryhill
Garryhill Clashganny Clashganny Garryhill Idrone East Myshall Carlow
Garryhill Coolasnaughta Coolasnaughta Garryhill
Garryhill Drumfea Drumfea Garryhill Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Garryhill Garryhill Garryhill Garryhill
Garryhill Knockdrumagh Knockdrumagh Garryhill
Garryhill Knockindrane Knockendrane Garryhill Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Garryhill Milltown Miltown Garryhill
Garryhill Mountpleasant Mountpleasant Garryhill Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Garryhill Rahenwood Raheenwood Garryhill
Garryhill Rathnageeragh Rathnageeragh Garryhill Idrone East Fennagh Carlow
Garryhill Sheean Sheean Garryhill Forth Myshall Carlow
Garryhill Straduff Straduff Garryhill Forth Myshall Carlow
Glynn Bahana St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Ballybeg Little St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Ballyling St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Glebe
Glynn St. Mullins
Glynn Templenaboe St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Aghnaglean Aughragliar Glynn
Glynn Ballinalour Ballinalour Glynn
Glynn Ballycrinigan Ballycrinigan Glynn
Glynn Ballynock Ballyknock Glynn St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Ballynockcrumpin Ballyknockcrumpin Glynn St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Bauck Banck Glynn St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Drannagh Dranagh Glynn St. Mullins, Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Glynn Drummin Drummin Glynn
Glynn Turra Turra Glynn St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Graigue Urban John Street or 98 St. 98 Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Bachelors Walk Bachelor's Walk Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Bridge Street Bridge Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Castlecomer Road Castlecomer Road Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Chapel Street Chapel Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Church Street Church Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Henry Street Henry Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban High Street High Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Leighlin Road Leighlin Road Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Chaff Street or Leighlin St. Leighlin Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Maryboro Street Maryborough Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Mill Street Mill Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Morrins Lane Moran's Lane Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Sleaty Street Sleaty Street Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban The Numbers The Numbers Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Wellington Bridge Wellington Bridge Graigue Urban
Graigue Urban Wellington Quay Wellington Quay Graigue Urban
Grangeford Baunogenasraid Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Aghwater Aughwater Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Banogephlure Banoguephlure Grangeford
Grangeford Farranphlure Farranphlure Grangeford
Grangeford Grangeford Grangeford Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Grangeford Old Grangeford Old Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Glenoge Grenogue Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Slaneyquarter Haneyquarter Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Inchisland or Moatalusha Inchisland or Moatalusha Grangeford
Grangeford Rathbun Kathbaun Grangeford
Grangeford Rathnashannagh Kathnashannagh Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Grangeford Monalow Monalon Grangeford
Grangeford Moanamanagh Monamanagh Grangeford Carlow Grangeford Carlow
Hacketstown (part) Hacketstown
Scotland Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Eaglehill Eaglehill (part) Hacketstown
Hacketstown Eaglehill Lane Eaglehill Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Hacketstown Lower Hacketstown Upper Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Kilconnaught Kilconna Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Kilmacart Kilmacart Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Main Street Main Street Hacketstown
Hacketstown Mill Lane Mill Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Moffet's Lane Moffats Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Monastill Monastill Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Penny hill Penny Hill Hacketstown
Hacketstown Porchavodda Porchavodda Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Pound Lane Pound Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Rathnafishogue Rathnafishogue Hacketstown
Hacketstown Rathnagrew Lower Rathnagrew Lower Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Rathnagrew Upper Rathnagrew Upper Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Scotland Scotland Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Slate Rowe Slate Row Hacketstown
Hacketstown Tombeagh Tombeigh Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Water Lane Water Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Woodside Woodside Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Ballyedmond Ballyedmond Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Ballykillane Ballykillane Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Ballysallagh Lower Ballysallage Lower Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Ballysallagh Upper Ballysallage Upper Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Blindennis Blindennis Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Borough Borrough Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Bridge Lane Bridge Lane Hacketstown
Hacketstown Brownbog Brownbog Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Constablehill Constablehill Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Curragh Curragh Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Hacketstown Drumguin Drumquin Hacketstown Rathvilly Hacketstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Ballyhillduff Lower Ballykilduff Lower Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Ballyhillduff Upper Ballykilduff Upper Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Coolmanagh Lower Coolmanagh Lower Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Coolmanagh Upper Coolmanagh Upper Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Duffery Duffery Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Haroldstown Haroldstown Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Nashesquarter Nashesquarter Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Haroldstown Raheen Raheen Haroldstown
Haroldstown Stralusky Stralusky Haroldstown Rathvilly Haroldstown Shillelagh
Johnstown Bennetkerry
Johnstown Ardnehue Ardnehue Johnstown Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Johnstown Ballynakilbeg Ballinakilbeg Johnstown
Johnstown Bennekerry Bennekerry Johnstown
Johnstown Busherstown Busherstown Johnstown Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Johnstown Johnstown Johnstown Johnstown Carlow Urglin Carlow
Johnstown Killenora Killenora Johnstown Carlow Kellistown Carlow
Johnstown Ruthland Urglin or Rutland Johnstown
Kellestown Ballycrogue Ballycrogue Kellistown Carlow Ballycrogue Carlow
Kellestown Castletown Castletown Kellistown Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Kellestown Kellestown East Kellistown East Kellistown Carlow Kellistown Carlow
Kellestown Kellestown West Kellistown West Kellistown Carlow Kellistown Carlow
Kellestown Kilballyhue Kilballyhue Kellistown Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Kellestown Knock lower Knockbower Kellistown Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Kellestown Moyle Big Moyle Big Kellistown Carlow Kellistown Carlow
Kellestown Moyle Little Moyle Little Kellistown Carlow Kellistown Carlow
Kellestown Ratherogue Rathcrogue Kellistown Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Kellestown Tinriland Tinriland Kellistown Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Kilbride Aghade Aghade Kilbride Forth Aghade Carlow
Kilbride Altimount Altimount Kilbride
Kilbride Boggan Boggan Kilbride
Kilbride Carrickslaney Carrickslaney Kilbride
Kilbride Castlegrace Castlegrace Kilbride
Kilbride Commons Commons Kilbride Forth Ballon Carlow
Kilbride Connaberry Cunnaberry Kilbride
Kilbride Drummin Drummin Kilbride
Kilbride Kilbride Kilbride Kilbride
Kilbride Knockdoorish Knockdoorish Kilbride Forth Barragh Carlow
Kilbride Sherwood Park Sherwood Park Kilbride
Kiledmona Ballinasillogue Ballynasillogue Killedmond
Kiledmona Cashel Cashel Killedmond Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Kiledmona Dunroe Dunroe Killedmond Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Kiledmona Kiledmonel Killedmond Killedmond Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Kiledmona Killoughternane Killoughterane Killedmond Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Kiledmona Knocksquire Knocksquire or Knockseur Killedmond Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Kiledmona Lacken Lacken Killedmond
Kiledmona Moyvalley Moyvalley Killedmond
Kiledmona Rosdillig Rosdillig Killedmond
Kiledmona Spahill Spahill Killedmond Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Kiledmona Tomduff Tomduff Killedmond Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Killerig Friarstown Friarstown Killerig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Killerig Grangewat Grangewats Killerig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Killerig Killamaster Killamaster Killerig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Killerig Killerrig Killerig Killerig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Killerig Kneestown Kneestown Killerig Carlow Killerrig Carlow
Killerig Russellstown Russelstown Killerig
Kinneagh Ballycook Ballycook Kinneagh Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Kinneagh Ballyhackett Lower Ballyhacket Lower Kinneagh Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Kinneagh Ballyhackett Upper Ballyhacket Upper Kinneagh Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Kinneagh Oldtown Oldtown Kinneagh
Kinneagh Philipstown Philipstown Kinneagh
Kinneagh Raheenadaw Raheendaw Kinneagh Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Kinneagh Rathdaniel Rathdaniel Kinneagh Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Kinneagh Rathmore Rathmore Kinneagh Rathvilly Rathmore Baltinglass
Kinneagh Straboe Straboe Kinneagh Rathvilly Straboe Baltinglass
Kyle Ballinamona or Ballyellin Ballinamona or Ballyellin Kyle
Kyle Ballinvally and Kiltennel Ballinvalley and Kiltennell Kyle
Kyle Ballybrack Ballybrack Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ballyellin New Ross
Kyle Ballyine Ballyine Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Kyle Barnahaskin Barnahaskin Kyle Idrone East Kiltennell New Ross
Kyle Cournellan Cournellan Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Kyle Knockmore Knockmore Kyle Idrone East Ballyellin New Ross
Kyle Kyle Kyle Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ballyellin New Ross
Kyle Lisellican Lissalican Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ballyellin New Ross
Kyle Mohullen Mohullen Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ballyellin New Ross
Kyle Tinnicarrig Tinnacarrig Kyle St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Tinnegarney Leighlinbridge
Koanmore Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Town Leighlinbridge
Leighlinsbridge Town, part of Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Bonogue
Leighlinbridge Carlow Road
Leighlinbridge Chapel Street
Leighlinbridge Church Street
Leighlinbridge Farranfraney
Leighlinbridge Hayses Row
Leighlinbridge High Street
Leighlinbridge Leskin Row
Leighlinbridge Main Street
Leighlinbridge New Road
Leighlinbridge Poes Hill
Leighlinbridge Pump Lane
Leighlinbridge School Lane
Leighlinbridge Tullow Lane
Leighlinbridge Ballynabooly Ballinaboley Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Ballyknocken Ballyknockan Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Burgage Burgage Leighlinbridge Idrone West Wells Carlow
Leighlinbridge Cloruske Lower Clonisk Lower Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Cloruske Upper Clorush Upper Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Closutton Closutton Leighlinbridge Idrone West Killinane Carlow
Leighlinbridge Coneykeare Coneykeare Leighlinbridge Idrone West Wells Carlow
Leighlinbridge Fenniscourt Fenniscourt Leighlinbridge Idrone West Wells Carlow
Leighlinbridge Finnegarney Ferranafreney Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Killinane Killinane Leighlinbridge Idrone West Killinane Carlow
Leighlinbridge Leighlinbridge Leighlinbridge Leighlinbridge Idrone East Agha Carlow
Leighlinbridge Moanmore Moanmore Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Rathellen Rathellan Leighlinbridge
Leighlinbridge Tomnaslough Tomnaslough Leighlinbridge Idrone West Wells Carlow
Leighlinbridge Wells Wells Leighlinbridge Idrone West Wells Carlow
Marley Marley St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Mullonaskeaugh Marley
Mullonavade Marley
Harristown Marley St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Inch or Inchaphuca Marley
Coolnamara Marley St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Clanagh Marley St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballyblake Marley St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballyroughan Big Marley St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Ballyroughan Little Marley St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Ballyhegan Marley St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballykeenan Marley
Ballylug Little Marley
Slievedurdha Marley
Newtown Marley
Bagenalstown Rural Bachelors Walk Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Barrett Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Barrow Lane Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Chapel Lane Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Church Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Dunleckney (part of rural) Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Fair Green Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural High Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Hotel Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kilcarrig (part of rural) Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kilcarrig Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kilree Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Main Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Market Square Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Moneybeg Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural New Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Pump Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Railway Road Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Regent Street Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Royal Oak Road Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Singletons lane Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural The Long Range Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural The Parade Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural The Quay Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Wards Lane Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Bohermore Bohermore Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Curraghcruit Curracruet Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Donore Donore Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Dunleckney Dunbekney Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kilcarrig Kilcarrig Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kildreenagh Kildreenagh Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Kilree (part of rural) Kilree Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Bagenalstown Rural Rathduff Ratduff Bagenalstown Rural Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Pump Street Bagenalstown Urban
Regent Street Bagenalstown Urban
Royal Oak Road Bagenalstown Urban
Station Road Bagenalstown Urban
Moneybeg Bagenalstown Urban Idrone East Dunleckny Carlow
Singleton's Lane and Quay Bagenalstown Urban
Wards' Lane Bagenalstown Urban
The Parade Bagenalstown Urban
The Quay Bagenalstown Urban
Bachelor's Walk Bagenalstown Urban
Chapel Lane Bagenalstown Urban
Barrett Street Bagenalstown Urban
Barrow Lane Bagenalstown Urban
Church Road Bagenalstown Urban
Hotel Street Bagenalstown Urban
Kilcarrig Street Bagenalstown Urban
Kilree Bagenalstown Urban Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Kilree Street Bagenalstown Urban
High Street Bagenalstown Urban
Dunleckney Bagenalstown Urban
Fair Green Bagenalstown Urban
New Street Bagenalstown Urban
Long Range Bagenalstown Urban
Main Street Bagenalstown Urban
Market Square Bagenalstown Urban
Myshall Adare Aclare Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Ballinrush Ballinrush Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Bealalaw Bealalaw Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Coolnasheegan Coolasheegan Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Croanruss Croanruss Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Myshall Myshall Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Myshall Town Myshall Town Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Myshall Raheenleigh Raheenleigh Myshall
Myshall Rossacurra Rossacurra Myshall Forth Myshall Carlow
Nurney Ballybar Upper Ballybar Upper Nurney Carlow Clonmelsh Carlow
Nurney Ballyloo Ballyloo Nurney
Nurney Ballyryan Ballyryan Nurney
Nurney Cloghristick Cloghristick Nurney
Nurney Clonmelsh Clonmelsh Nurney Carlow Clonmelsh Carlow
Nurney Garryhunden Garryhurdon Nurney
Nurney Linkardstown Linkardstown Nurney Carlow Tullowmagimma Carlow
Nurney Nurney Nurney Nurney
Nurney Nurney Village (Main St.) Nurney Town Nurney Idrone East Nurney Carlow
Nurney Oldtown Oldtown Nurney
Nurney Orchard Orchard Nurney
Nurney Powerstown Powerstown Nurney Carlow Clonmelsh Carlow
Oldleighlin Annagar Annagar Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Ballynolan Ballynolan Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Bannaghagole Barnaghagole Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Baunleath Bawnleash Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Clonmore Clonmore Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Coolnakieran Coolnakeernam Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Johnduffswood Johnduffswood Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Knockagarry Knockagarry Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Lackeen Lacken Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Moanduff Moanduff Old Leighlin Idrone West Killinane Carlow
Oldleighlin Moanduff little Moanduff Little Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Oldleighlin Old Leighlin Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Parknakyle Parknakyll Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Oldleighlin Raheen Raheen Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Raheenwood Raheenwood Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Faranacurragh Terranacurragh Old Leighlin
Oldleighlin Tomnasock Tomnasock Old Leighlin Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Rahill Ballybit Little Ballybit Little Rahill Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rahill Ballyoliver Ballyuliver Rahill Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rahill Bough Bough Rahill Rathvilly Rahill Baltinglass
Rahill Broughilstown Broughillstown Rahill Rathvilly Rahill Baltinglass
Rahill Farretstown Garretstown Rahill
Rahill Maplestown Maplestown Rahill Rathvilly Rahill Baltinglass
Rahill Rahill Rahill Rahill Rathvilly Rahill Baltinglass
Rahill Ricketstown Ricketstown Rahill
Rahill Ricketstown North Ricketstown North Rahill Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Rahill Ricketstown or Bettyfield Ricketstown or Bettyfield Rahill
Rahill Ricketstown South Ricketstown South Rahill Rathvilly Kineagh Baltinglass
Rathanna Ballinree Ballinree Rathanna Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Rathanna Carrignafecka Carricknafecca Rathanna Idrone East Sliguff Carlow
Rathanna Crannagh Crannagh Rathanna Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Rathanna Raheendarragh Raheendarragh Rathanna Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Rathanna Raheenkyle Raheentyle Rathanna Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Rathanna Rathanna Rathanna Rathanna Idrone East Kiltennell Carlow
Rathanna Seskinamadra Seskinimadara Rathanna
Rathornan Aughanue Augharue Rathornan
Rathornan Booleyrathornan or Tomard Booley Rathornan Tomard Rathornan
Rathornan Ballyvannanon Booleyvannon Rathornan
Rathornan Coolnakisha Coolnaskisha Rathornan Idrone West Tullowcreen Carlow
Rathornan Craanavonane Craanavonane Rathornan
Rathornan Glebe Glebe Rathornan
Rathornan Rathornan Rathornan Rathornan Idrone West Tullowcreen Carlow
Rathornan Rathvinden Big Rathrinden Rathornan
Rathornan Seskin lower Seskin Lower Rathornan Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Rathornan Tomard Upper Tomard Upper Rathornan Idrone West Tullowcreen Carlow
Emlycon Rathrush
Rathrush Ardbeam or Torman Ardbean or Torman Rathrush
Rathrush Ardbearn Ardbearn Rathrush Forth Ballyellin Carlow
Rathrush Ballinadrum Ballinadrum Rathrush Forth Fennagh Carlow
Rathrush Ballygarret or Sandbrook Ballygarret or Landbrook Rathrush
Rathrush Ballykealy Ballykealy Rathrush
Rathrush Ballycurragh Ballymurragh Rathrush Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Rathrush Ballyveal Ballyveal Rathrush Forth Kellistown Carlow
Rathrush Bendinstown Bendinstown Rathrush Forth Ballyellin Carlow
Rathrush Garreenleen Garranleen Rathrush Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Rathrush Gilbertstown Gilberstown Rathrush Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Rathrush Killane Killane Rathrush
Rathrush Kilknock Kilnock Rathrush
Rathrush Rahenkillane Raheenkillane Rathrush Forth Ballyellin Carlow
Rathrush Rathoe Rathoe Rathrush
Rathrush Rathrush Rathrush Rathrush Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Rathvilly Coole Coole Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rathvilly Knockboy Knockboy Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rathvilly Knockaragh Knockevagh Rathvilly
Rathvilly Knockroe Knockrue Rathvilly
Rathvilly Ladystown Ladystown Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass Baltinglass
Rathvilly Monavoth Monavoth Rathvilly
Rathvilly Mountkelly Mountkelly Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rathvilly Mountneill Mountneill Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rathvilly Patrickswell Patrickswell Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Rathvilly Rathvilly Village Rathvilly Village Rathvilly
Rathvilly Waterstown Waterstown Rathvilly Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Ridge Bawnreagh Bawnreagh Ridge
Ridge Knocknabranagh Knockabranagh Ridge
Ridge Ridge Ridge Ridge Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Ridge Seskin Upper Seskin Ridge St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ridge Seskinrea Seskinrea Ridge Idrone West Oldleighlin Carlow
Shangarry Ballinacrea Ballincrea Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Ballaghmore Ballyaghmore Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Ballykeenan Ballykeenan Shangarry
Shangarry Cappawater Cappawater Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Kilmaglush Kilmaglush Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Knockbarragh Knockbarragh Shangarry Forth Barragh Carlow
Shangarry Knockbrack Knockbrack Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Lasmaconly Lismaconly Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Milltown Milltown Shangarry
Shangarry Sragh Pragh Shangarry Forth Ballon Carlow
Shangarry Rosslee Roslee Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Shangarry Shangarry Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Gurtane Turtane Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Ullard Beg Ullard Beg Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Shangarry Ullard More Ullardmore Shangarry Forth Myshall Carlow
Sliguff Ballinkillen Ballinkillen Sliguff
Sliguff Clowater Clowater Sliguff
Sliguff Glenaharry Glannahary Sliguff
Sliguff Kilcruit Kilcruit Sliguff Idrone East Lorum Carlow
Sliguff Kilgraney Kilgraney Sliguff
Sliguff Slyguff Sliguff Sliguff
Tankard's Town Ballymurphy Ballymurphy Tankardstown
Tankard's Town Coppenagh Cappenagh Tankardstown Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Tankard's Town Downing Downings Tankardstown Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Tankard's Town Rathlyon Kathlyon Tankardstown Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Tankard's Town Kilmagarvogue Kilmagarvogue Tankardstown
Tankard's Town Tankard's Town Tankardstown Tankardstown
Templepeter Graiguealug
Templepeter Ballintrane Ballintrain Templepeter
Templepeter Ballymogur Ballymogue Templepeter
Templepeter Ballynunnery Ballynunnerry Templepeter Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Templepeter Ballytarsna Ballytarsna Templepeter Carlow Nurney Carlow
Templepeter Clonmacshane Clonmacshane Templepeter
Templepeter Graughealug Graiguealug Templepeter
Templepeter Graiguenaspiddogue Graigue-na-spidogue Templepeter
Templepeter Kilbricken Kilbricken Templepeter
Templepeter Kilcoole Kilcoole Templepeter Forth Gilbertstown Carlow
Templepeter Kilkey Kilkey Templepeter Forth Fennagh Carlow
Templepeter Leagh or Ballybeg Leagh or Ballybeg Templepeter
Templepeter Templepeter Templepeter Templepeter
Templepeter Tinnaclash Tinneclaah Templepeter
Ticknock Barnhill Barnhill Ticknock Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Ticknock Knocklishen Beg Knocklisheen Big Ticknock Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Ticknock Knocklishen More Knocklisheen More Ticknock Rathvilly Rathvilly Baltinglass
Ticknock Portrushin Lower Portrushion Lower Ticknock
Ticknock Portrushin Upper Portrushion Upper Ticknock
Ticknock Ticknock Ticknock Ticknock
Ticknock Tinnaclash Tinneclash Ticknock
Glebe Tinnahinch
Bahana Tinnahinch St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Ballyring Tinnahinch
Templenbo Tinnahinch
Tinnahinch Ballyblake St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tinnahinch Ballyheenan
Tinnahinch Ballylegan
Tinnahinch Ballyroughan Big St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Tinnahinch Ballyroughan Little St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Tinnahinch Clonagh
Tinnahinch Coolnamara St. Mullin's Lower Ullard New Ross
Tinnahinch Harristown St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tinnahinch Inch or Inchaphuca
Tinnahinch Marley or Knockduff
Tinnahinch Mullanavade
Tinnahinch Newtown
Tinnahinch Sleivdhurdha
Tinnahinch Carriglead Carriglead Tinnahinch St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tinnahinch Coolyhum Coolyhune Tinnahinch St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tinnahinch Knockeen Knockeen Tinnahinch St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tinnahinch Mullanas Keogh St. Mullins Tinnahinch
Tinnahinch Tinnehinch Tinnahinch (c) Tinnahinch
Tinnahinch Tinnehinch village Tinnahinch Town Tinnahinch St. Mullin's Lower St. Mullin's New Ross
Tullow Barrack Street
Tullow Bridge Street
Tullow Castle Lane
Tullow Church Street
Tullow Cross Keys
Tullow Hoares Lane
Tullow John Street
Tullow Market Square
Tullow Mill Street
Tullow Modesty Hall
Tullow Mullaun
Tullow New Chapel Lane
Tullow Old Chapel Lane
Tullow Shroughaun
Tullow The Course
Tullow Ballyvaugor Ballyvangor Tullow Rural
Tullow Butlersgrauge Buttersgrange Tullow Rural
Tullow Mountwolsely or Croslow Mountwolsely or Crosslow Tullow Rural
Tullow Ouragh Ouragh Tullow Rural Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Tullow Rathglass Rathglass Tullow Rural Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Tullow Tullowphileen Tullowphelim (part of Rural) Tullow Rural
Templeowen Tullow Urban Rathvilly Fennagh Carlow
The Course Tullow Urban
The Green Tullow Urban
Tullowbeg Tullow Urban Rathvilly Fennagh Carlow
Tullowbeg Street Tullow Urban
Tullowphelim Tullow Urban Rathvilly Tullowphelim Carlow
Shroughaun Tullow Urban
Oldchapel Lane Tullow Urban
Mullaun Tullow Urban
Barrack Street Tullow Urban
Abbey Street Tullow Urban
Church Street Tullow Urban
Codds Row Tullow Urban
Crosskeys Tullow Urban
Bridge Street Tullow Urban
Castle Lane Tullow Urban
Hoares Lane Tullow Urban
Hawkins Lane Tullow Urban
John Street Tullow Urban
Market Square Tullow Urban
Newchapel Lane Tullow Urban
Mill Street Tullow Urban
Modesty Hall Tullow Urban
Tullowbeg Abbey Street
Tullowbeg Codds Row
Tullowbeg Hawkin's Lane