Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Rutland Arlands Arlands Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Belcruit Belcruit Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Burton Port Burtonpart Rutland
Rutland Clougherdilure Clogherdilliere Rutland
Rutland Clougherglass Cloghglass Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Cruitamore Cruickaghmore Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Cruit Lower Cruit Lower Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Cruit Upper Cruit Upper Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Enderish Edernish Island Rutland
Rutland Either Eighter Island Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Glasbeggun Glasbeggan Rutland
Rutland Glenahilt Glennahilt Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Innishcro Island Inishcoo Island Rutland
Rutland Keadue Keaclew Rutland
Rutland Kincaslagh Kincaslough Rutland
Rutland Lackbeg Leckbeg Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Lackenagh Leckenagh Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Leffinn Lefinn Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Meenagowna Meenagowna Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Meencannard Meenbannad Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Owey Owey Island Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Roshinacres Roshin Acres Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Roshine Rodge Roshin Lodge Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Roshine North Roshin North Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Rutland Rutland Island Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties
Rutland Tullyilian Tullyillan Rutland Boylagh Templecrone Glenties