Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Inver Ardaghey Glebe
Inver Carrakeel Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Casheloogary Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Coolshaughaw
Inver Crumlin
Inver Drimtaghtafin
Inver Drumadart Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Drumakelly
Inver Drumfew
Inver Drumrainy Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Fanaghans Lower
Inver Inver Glebe Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Keelogo
Inver Kelwacneddin
Inver Legans
Inver Legnawley Glebe Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Meenacharbet Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Meenacurrin
Inver Meenawullaghan Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Port
Inver Raforty
Inver Tievedooly Banagh Inver Donegal
Inver Townagorm