Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Redcastle Ballyargus Ballyargus Redcastle Inishowen East Moville Upper Inishowen
Redcastle Carricknaquigley Carrickmaguigley Redcastle
Redcastle Culineen Culineen Redcastle Inishowen East Moville Upper Inishowen
Redcastle Drung continued Drung Redcastle
Redcastle Meenaleavin Meenaleavin Redcastle Inishowen East Moville Upper Inishowen
Redcastle Tullyally Tullyally Redcastle Inishowen East Moville Upper Inishowen
Redcastle Tullynavinn Tullynavinn Redcastle Inishowen East Moville Upper Inishowen