Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form F. Station Hospital
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Army Ordnance Corps Barracks.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Army Service Corps Barracks.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Beresford Barrack
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Concrete Barracks.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Ponsonby Barracks.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. R.I. Constabulary Barrack of Curragh I
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. R.I. Constabulary Barrack of Curragh II.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. South Kildare Barrack
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form H. Stewart Barracks.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Form K. R.I.C. Police station at Curragh I.
Pt. of Curragh military camp Royal Engineers Barrack, Form H.