Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Rathmore Baltracey Baltracey Rathmore
Rathmore Baysland Baysland Rathmore South Salt Haynestown Naas
Rathmore Bullockpark Bullockpark Rathmore Naas North Tipper Naas
Rathmore Caureen Caureen Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Crosscoolharbour Crosscoolharbour Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Eadestown Eadestown Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Forenaghts Great Forenaghts, Great Rathmore South Salt Forenaghts Naas
Rathmore Forenaghts Little Forenaghts, Little Rathmore South Salt Forenaghts Naas
Rathmore Greenmount Greenmount Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Haynestown Haynestown Rathmore South Salt Haynestown Naas
Rathmore Hempstown Commons Hempstown Commons Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Morristown Morristown Rathmore South Salt Forenaghts Naas
Rathmore Newtown Newtown Rathmore
Rathmore Newtown Baltracey Newtown, Baltracey Rathmore Naas North Tipper Naas
Rathmore Philipstown Philipstown Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Pipershall Pipershall Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Punchestown Upper Punchestown, Upper Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Rathmore West Rathmore, West Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Redbog Redbog Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas
Rathmore Slatequarries Slate quarries Rathmore Naas South Tipperkevin Naas
Rathmore Tipper East Tipper, East Rathmore Naas North Tipper Naas
Rathmore Westown Westown Rathmore Naas North Johnstown Naas
Rathmore Wolfestown Wolfestown Rathmore Naas North Rathmore Naas