Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Healy's Lane Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Knocknalyre or Donnhill Knocknalyre, or Downhill, part of Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Pound Lane Pound Lane Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Ardnaree or Shanaghy Shanaghy, part of Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Sheridans Lane Sheridans Lane Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Workhouse Lane Workhouse Lane Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Abbey Street Abbey Street Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Abbeyhalfquarter Abbeyhalfquarter (part of) Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Brooke Street Brook Street Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Bunree Bunree Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Carrowcushlaun West Carrowcushlawn, West Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Chapel Lane Chapel Lane Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Church Road Church Road Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Clare Street Clare Street Ardnaree, South Urban
Ardnaree South Glebe Glebe Ardnaree, South Urban