Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Cuildoo Coolcaslha Coolcashla Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Creggaballagh Creggaballagh Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Cuildoo Cuildoo Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Doonmaynor Doonmaynor Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Dromada (Duke) Dromada (Duke) Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Graffy Graffy Cuildoo
Cuildoo Lismoran Lismoran Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Listernan Listernan Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Magheraboy Magheraboy Cuildoo
Cuildoo Pollsharvoge Pollsharuoge Cuildoo Gallen Meelick Swineford
Cuildoo Rubble Rubble Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Tiraninny Tiraninny Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Blackpatch Blackpatch Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Boleyboy Boleyboy Cuildoo
Cuildoo Carrowbeg Carrowbeg Cuildoo
Cuildoo Carrowmoremoy Carrowmoremoy Cuildoo Gallen Killasser Swineford
Cuildoo Carrowneden Carrowneden Cuildoo
Cuildoo Cloonygowan Cloonygowan Cuildoo Gallen Meelick Swineford