Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Doocastle Doocastle Ballindoo or Doocastle Doocastle Costello Kilturra Swineford
Doocastle Cloonakillina Cloonakilliana Doocastle Costello Kilturra Swineford
Doocastle Cloonfeightrin Cloonfeightrin Doocastle
Doocastle Cloonmeen East Cloonmeen, East Doocastle Costello Kilbeagh Swineford
Doocastle Derrynabrock Derryabruck Doocastle Costello Kilbeagh Swineford
Doocastle Flughany Flughany Doocastle Costello Kilturra Swineford
Doocastle Gowlaun Gowlaun Doocastle
Doocastle Kilgarriff Kilgarriff Doocastle
Doocastle Srah Lower Shrah, Lower Doocastle Costello Kilbeagh Swineford
Doocastle Srah Upper Shrah, Upper Doocastle Costello Kilbeagh Swineford
Doocastle Tawnaghbeg Tawnaghbeg Doocastle Costello Kilbeagh Swineford