Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Doon Aghafin Aghafin Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Cappanalosset Cappanalosset Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Castlereagh Castlereagh Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Cooldorragh Cooldorra Doon
Doon Corbeg and Cormore Cor Beg & Cor More Doon
Doon Corbane Corbane Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Corracullin Corracullin Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Doon Demesne Doon Demesne Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Esker Esker Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Glebe Glebe Doon
Doon Kilnagarnagh Kilnagarnagh Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Lackagh Beg Lackagh Beg Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Lackagh More Lackagh More Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Laughil Laughill Doon
Doon Rushinagh Rashinagh Doon Garrycastle Lemanaghan Parsonstown
Doon Togher Togher Doon