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Dennis Connolly

Death Date : Not Available


14 Granite St
United States


Dennis Connolly was a son of Jeremiah Connolly and Mary Daly of Drimoleague, West Cork, Ireland

Denis Connolly (21) arrived in Boston, MA on 2 June 1906 on the ship "Arabic" from Queenstown, Cork.  His town of residence prior to his departure was Drimoleague and he was going to his sister, Mary Connolly in 24 Church St., Barre, Vermont.

Census 1910:
Dennie Connolly was a boarder in Census 1910 in Fortin St., Barre, Vermont.  He was aged 24 years, a stone cutter in granite shed industry.  He was single.



Copy of Declaration to become a US Citizen

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