James Scully was a son of Daniel Scully and Mary Collins.
Catherine B Jordan was a daughter of John Jordan and Mary Fagan.
James Scully and Catherine B Jordan married on 7 January 1890 in Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Data on marriage register:
Name: James Scully
Marriage Date: 7 Jan 1890
Event Type: Marriage
Marriage Place: Concord, Merrimack, New Hampshire
Birth Date: abt 1866
Birth Place: Ireland
Age: 24
Race: White
Gender: Male
Father's name: Daniel Scully
Mother's name: Mary Collins
Spouse Name: Catherine B Jordan
Spouse Birth Place: Concord, New Hampshire
Spouse Age: 19
Spouse Race: White
Spouse Gender: Female
Spouse Father's Name: John Jordan
Spouse Mother's Name: Mary Fagan
Children born in New Hampshire:
Mary Anastasia Scully, 30 May 1891.
Katherine Elizabeth Scully, 5 May 1895. She married Frederick H Gove in Concord on 8 September 1928
Daniel Joseph Scully, 24 July 1896. He married Mary Valerie Burnham in Exeter, Rockingham on 15 January 1921
Germaine Beatrice Scully, 12 June 1904. She married Charles Murray Sawyer in Concord on 10 June 1933
Census 1900:
Census 1910:
Census 1920: Note Surname typed as Sully in error
Census 1930:
Census 1940:
Death of James Scully:
James Scully died following a work accident on 10 December 1911
Death of Catherine Jordan Scully:
Catherine Jordan Scully died in Concord on 28 February 1941.