Joseph Donovan was a son of Jeremiah Donovan and Margaret Hurley.
Annie Elizabeth Burke was a daughter of John Hurley and Margaret McNicholas. We see that the bride used the version of her name "Hannah". She was born in Ireland.
Joseph Donovan (27) and Annie Elizabeth Burke (25) married on 4 February 1883 in Brookline, MA
Children born in Brookline:
Margaret Mary Donovan, 18 May 1884
John Donovan, 6 Jan 1886
Anna E Donovan, 17 June 1887
Census 1900:
Census 1910:
We quote from the writings of Thomas J Donovan:
PART 5 - Joseph Donovan (1855 - 1910)
Joseph was born in Roxbury. At that time, Roxbury was a city in Norfolk County. At an early age, the family relocated to Brookline. Not until 1910, did we find any records with the a middle initial of W. On 4 February 1883, Joseph and Annie Elizabeth Burke were married. The marriage name of Annie was listed as Hannah. Annie was born in Ireland and came to the area in about 1870. In 1901, Joseph and Annie took out a mortgage. It was interesting to note that Joseph signed with an X.
Joseph and Annie had three children. For the first time in our review, all children lived to becomes adults.
During his career he was listed as a lamplighter and a day laborer. In 1910, his employer would have been the Town of Brookline, water and sewer department. On 13 August 1910 tragedy struck. As published in the Boston Globe, "KILLED BY GAS IN A MANHOLE: Joseph Donovan Loses Life at Brookline. Firemen Are Overcome in an Attempt at Rescue. Body is Taken Out With Aid of Ice Tongs. Age reported at 54. Residence 55 Pearl Street."
Three days later, a High Mass of Requiem was held at St. Mary's of the Assumption Church. Burial services were held at St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Roxbury, Bethlehem, section F, lot 274. Inscribed "Joseph W. Donovan 1856 -- 1910". (see attached picture of headstone, below).
His wife was Annie Elizabeth Burke (1848 - 1922)
Annie raised her three children in Brookline. She was born in Ireland. No effort was made to research her history in Ireland or whether she in somehow related to our great-great grandmother Mary Burke.
Annie died on 11 February 1922. The burial was in St. Joseph's Cemetery, West Roxbury, Bethlehem, section F, lot 274. Inscribed "Annie E. Donovan 1848 -- 1922".
The three children:
Margaret Mary Donovan (1884 - 1968)
Margaret was born in Brookline in 1884. She married George Packard (1877 - 1913) in 1904. The lived and raised 3 children in Boston. George was a former Marine and served in the Spanish-American war. He also served as Commander, Bagley Camp, United Spanish War Veterans (like the American Legion or VFW, I think). He worked in the Navy Yard. Again, as we have seen too often, a Donovan women is left a widow with small children. George has died at the age of 35 of pneumonia. Semper Fi.
Several years later, Margaret re-marries. The second husband is Thomas Aloysius Kelley (1879 - 1957). Thomas worked for the city for many years as deputy sealer, Department of Weights and Measures. He is listed as employed in that position as late as 1948 at age 69. He died at the age of 78. He was an Army veteran, late residence of 587 Weld Street, West Roxbury and was a United Spanish War Veteran.
At the age of 83, Margaret dies on 27 March 1968. Her residence was 33 Hayes Street, Arlington. She was a Past Auxiliary President, James Bagley Camp, U.S. Spanish War Veterans. A Solemn High Mass of Requiem was held in St. Agnes Church. Burial was at St Joseph Cemetery, West Roxbury; Bethlehem, Section F, Lot 183. The same grave location as her first husband.
Nothing much to report on Margaret and George's three children. Joseph and George served in the Navy. The boys along with sister Margaret Claire were married. Their statistics will be listed later.
John Joseph Donovan (1886 - 1926)
John lived and worked in Brookline his entire life. He was employed by the town in the highway department. He died at age 40.
Anna E. Donovan (1887 - 1969)
Anna married John William Coffey (1885 - 1937) in 1907. John worked his way up in the leather industry, ultimately becoming president of W. G. Donald Company. He died at a relatively early age of 51 in 1937. Anna and John had two children. Again, we find a Donovan gal having to go back to work to support the household and two teenage children. Three years after John's death, Anna is listed as a housekeeper for a private family.
The tree of Joseph W's family follows.
1. Joseph Donovan (1795 - 1866) and Mary Burke (? - ?)
2. Jeremiah Donovan (1823 - 1901) and Margaret Hurley (1834-1882)
3. Joseph W. Donovan (1855 - 1910) and Annie Elizabeth Burke (1848 - 1922)
4. Margaret Mary Donovan (1884 - 1968) and George A. Packard (1877 - 1913), then Thomas A. Kelley (1879 - 1957)
5. Joseph Edward Packard (1905 - 1964) and Julia Turnbull (1905 - ?) then Ruth Reynolds McClain
George Arthur Packard (1910 - 1994) and Katherine Mary Morris (1905 - 1992)
Margaret Claire Packard (1912 - 1999) and Kenneth Edward Dempsey (1909 - 1981) and three children
4. John Joseph Donovan (1886 - 1926)
Anna E Donovan (1887 - 1969) and John William Coffey (1885 - 1937)
5. Anna Marguerite Coffey (1921 - 1996) and William L. Riley (? - ?) and four children
John Gerald Coffey (1925 - 2009) and Barbara Ellsworth Myers (1921 - 1999)