Townland Details
Note: Click on any heading to sort on that column.
1901 DED |
1901 Townland |
1911 Townland |
1911 DED |
Barony |
Parish |
Union |
Woodstock South
Athy East, Urban
Graysland, part of (Urban) (c)
Athy East, Urban
William Street (part of)
Athy Town
Coopers Lane
Athy Town
Athy East Urban
Athy East Urban
Chapel Hill
Athy East Urban
Kyles Row
Athy East Urban
Athy (d)
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Back Lane
Back Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Butlers Lane
Butters Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Carro Court
Carrs Court
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Chapel Lane
Chapel Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Clonmullin (d)
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Coneyburrow, part of (Urban) (c)
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Emily Row
Emily Row
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Emily Square
Emily Square
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Garden Lane
Garden Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Garter Lane
Garter Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Janeville Lane
Jeanville Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Janeville Place
Jeanville Place
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Kelly's Lane
Kellys Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Leinster Street
Leinster Street
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Market Square
Market Square
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Matthews Lane
Matthews Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Meetinghouse Lane
Meeting Lane
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Mount Hawkins
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
New Row
New Row
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Offaly Street
Offaly Street
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Paudeenourstown part of (Urban) (c)
Athy East, Urban
Narragh and Reban West
Athy East Urban
Porters Row
Porter's Row
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Rathstewart (d)
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Stanhope Street
Stanhope Place
Athy East, Urban
Athy East Urban
Tomard part of (Urban) (c)
Athy East, Urban
Narragh and Reban West
Athy East Urban
Townparks part of (Urban) (c)
Athy East, Urban
Athy West Urban
Woodstock South
Athy West Urban
Keatings Lane
Athy West Urban
Tay Lane
Athy West Urban
Andrew (part of)
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Barrack Lane
Barrack Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Barrack Street
Barrack Street
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Athy Town
Narragh and Reban West
St. John's
Athy West Urban
Canal Lane
Canal Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Canal Side
Canal Side
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Convent Lane
Convent Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Dry Dock
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Duke Street
Duke Street
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Green Alley
Green Alley
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Higginsons Lane
Higginsons Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
James Place
James Place
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Nelson Street
Netson Street
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
New Gardens
New Garden
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Newman's Row
Plewmans Row
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Shrewleen Lane
Shrullen Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
St. John's Lane
St. Johns Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Tan Yard Lane
Tanyard Lane
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Town Parks
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
William Street
William Street
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
William Street Upper
William Street Upper
Athy Town
Athy West Urban
Woodstock Street
Woodstock Street
Athy Town