Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Toomore Aghaward Aghaward Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Ballinillaun Ballinillaun Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Belgarrow Belgarron Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Boherhallagh Boherhallagh Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Cabragh Cabragh Toomore
Toomore Cashel Cashel Toomore
Toomore Cloongee Cloongee Toomore Gallen Templemore Swineford
Toomore Cloonmung Cloonmung Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Creggagh Creggagh Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Cregnafyla Cregnafyle Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Foxford Foxford Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Foxford Town Foxford Town Toomore
Toomore Kilmore Kilmore Toomore
Toomore Laghtmacdurkan Laghtmacdurcan Toomore Gallen Meelick Swineford
Toomore Leckee Leckee Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Lisduff Lisduff Toomore
Toomore Moorbrook Moorbrook Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Pollnagawna Pollnagowna Toomore Gallen Meelick Swineford
Toomore Rinnananny Rinnananny Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Shanwar Shanwar Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Toomore Toomore Toomore Gallen Toomore Swineford
Toomore Ummoon Ummoon Toomore Gallen Templemore Swineford