Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Aghabog Aghabog Aghabog Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Aghadrumkeen Aghadrumkeen Aghabog
Aghabog Aghnacue Aghnacue Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Annaghyduff Annaghyduff Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill
Aghabog Carolina Carolina Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Corduff Corduff Aghabog
Aghabog Corranewy Corvanewry Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill
Aghabog Crappagh Crappagh Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Crover Crover Aghabog
Aghabog Dernaroy Dernaroy Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Derrylossett Derrylosset Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill
Aghabog Doohat Doohat Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Drollagh Drollagh Aghabog
Aghabog Drumacreeve Drumacreeve Aghabog
Aghabog Drumaghakeel Drumaghakeel Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Drumate Drumate Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Drumbrea Drumbrean Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Drumgristin Drumgristin Aghabog
Aghabog Drumhay Drumhay Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Drumskelt Drumskelt Aghabog
Aghabog Feagh Feagh Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Kilmore East Kilmore, East Aghabog
Aghabog Kilmore West Kilmore, West Aghabog
Aghabog Kilnaharvey Kilnaharvey Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill
Aghabog Kinduff Kinduff Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill
Aghabog Knockcor Knockcor Aghabog
Aghabog Mullaghmore Mullaghmore Aghabog
Aghabog Mullaghgreenan Mullaghreenan Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Mullymararaghan Mullymagaraghan Aghabog Dartree Aghabog Cootehill
Aghabog Raheevan Rockeevan Aghabog
Aghabog Tomany Tomany Aghabog Dartree Ematris Cootehill