Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Gallen Ballysheil Ballysheil Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Bun Bun Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Coolnahinch Coolnahinch Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Cush East Cush East Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Derrycarney Derrycarney Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Falsk Faisk Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Gallen Gallen Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Glyn Glyn Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Lumcloom Lumcloom Gallen
Gallen Noggusboy Noggusboy Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Noggusduff Noggusduff Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Rin Rin Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown
Gallen Smithstown Smithstown Gallen Garrycastle Gallen Parsonstown