Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Mountbriscoe Clonarrow or Riverlyons Clonarrow or Riverlyons Mountbriscoe
Mountbriscoe Down Down Mountbriscoe
Mountbriscoe Gorteen Gorteen Mountbriscoe
Mountbriscoe Killeen Killeen Mountbriscoe
Mountbriscoe Killeshil Killeshil Mountbriscoe Lower Philipstown Killaderry Tullamore
Mountbriscoe Killoneen Killoneen Mountbriscoe Lower Philipstown Kilclonfert Tullamore
Mountbriscoe Mullalough or Cavemount Mullalough or Cavemount Mountbriscoe