Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Ballyvoughallen Cratloe
Cratloe Ballinphunta Ballinphunta Cratloe Killinaboy Corrofin
Cratloe Ballymorris Ballymorris Cratloe Bunratty Lower Kilfintinan Limerick
Cratloe Brickhill East Brickhill, East Cratloe Bunratty Lower Kilfintinan Limerick
Cratloe Brickhill West Brickhill, West Cratloe Bunratty Lower Kilfintinan Limerick
Cratloe Cratloe Cratloe Cratloe Kilfintinan Limerick
Cratloe Cratloekeel Cratloekeel Cratloe Bunratty Lower Killeely Limerick
Cratloe Cratloemoyle Cratloemoyle Cratloe Bunratty Lower Killeely Limerick
Cratloe Garrynacurra Garrycurra Cratloe
Cratloe Greens Island Green Island (River Shannon) Cratloe
Cratloe Laghill Loghile Cratloe
Cratloe Moyhill Moyhill Cratloe Rath Corrofin
Cratloe Portdrine Portdrine Cratloe Bunratty Lower Kilfintinan Limerick