Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Glenroe Aglish Aglish Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Ballard Ballard Glenroe Killard Kilrush
Glenroe Ballinphunta Ballinphunta Glenroe Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Carrowamaddra Carrownamaddra Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Creehaun Creehaun Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Glenquin Glenquin Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Gortlecka Gortlecka Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Knockaunroe Knockaunroe Glenroe Dysert Ennis
Glenroe Lackareagh Lachareagh Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Poulnalour Poulnalour Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Rinnamona Rinnamona Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Teeskagh Teeskagh Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin
Glenroe Tullycommon Tullycommon Glenroe Inchiquin Killinaboy Corrofin