Townland Details
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1901 DED 1901 Townland 1911 Townland 1911 DED Barony Parish Union
Smithstown Lisdooney East
Smithstown Ballytarsna Ballytarsna Smithstown Corcomroe Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Boghil Boghil Smithstown Corcomroe Kilfenora Ennistimon
Smithstown Cahereamore Cahereamore Smithstown Corcomroe Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Carrowkeel Carrowkeel Smithstown Kilfarboy Ennistimon
Smithstown Cloongarve Cloongarve Smithstown Corcomroe Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Boolpeekaun Coolprekaun Smithstown
Smithstown Gortnaboul Gortnaboul Smithstown Corcomroe Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Laraghahea Laraghakea Smithstown Corcomroe Kilfenora Ennistimon
Smithstown Lisdooney West Lisdoony, West Smithstown
Smithstown Pursoon Porsoon Smithstown Corcomroe Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Slievenagry Slievenagry Smithstown Corcomroe Kilfenora Ennistimon
Smithstown Smithstown Smithstown Smithstown Kilshanny Ennistimon
Smithstown Tooreen Toreen Smithstown Kilraghtis Ennis