Patrick J Daly was a son of Timothy P Daly and May O'Driscoll
Elizabeth O'Driscoll was a daughter of Daniel Driscoll and Ellen Murphy
Patrick J Daly of Deelis and Elizabeth (Lily) O'Driscoll of Maulycorcoran married on 9 September 1961 in the Catholic Church in Rosscarbery, Co. Cork.
We do see that Pat Joe Daly of Deelish (Duíbhlios) School did contribute a number of articles to the Schools' Folklore Collection in the 1930's. Following are some such articles:
The Potato Crop
Potatoes are grown extensively in this district. About one or two acres according to the size of the farm. The farmer prepares the ground. Sometimes when ridges are being made in lea land the ground is first manured and then the ridges are made.
Sometimes the potatoes are sow in ridges and sometimes they are sown in drills. When lea ridges are being made the ground is first ploughed then the manure is scattered and then the ridges are made. When drills are being made in lea the ground is first ploughed and then it is harrowed and then it is crossploughed and again it is harrowed and then the drills are made and the manure is put between the drills and the potatoes, which are usually 'sprouters' are planted, and the drills are closed. In this method earthing or moulding is done with the plough, but the work can be done only where the field is large and level.
Potatoes are earthed or 'moulded' about a month after they are sown. In case of ridges the trenches are ploughed and the earth is cast on the ridges with a shovel. In the case of drills, the drills are earthed with a plough.
Spraying with a solution of sulphate of copper and soda in-order to prevent blight, is done two or three times in the year. The first spraying is done between the 20th and 30th of June, and then at intervals of a fortnight until three sprayings are done.
There is an old custom between the people of this locality. On 24th of June they light a bonfire on the fence of the potato garden. This method had been used hundreds of years ago in-order to prevent blight from attacking the crop.
Digging of the main crop begins on the first of October. When drills have been used the potatoes are dug by a plough and pikes are used for the searching of the potatoes. Where ridges have been used the potatoes are dug with a spade. The children pick the potatoes which have been dug during the day and put the larger ones in a pit and then the pit is covered with straw and sods. The smaller ones are also put in pits. Sometimes "meiteals" are gathered for the purpose of digging the potatoes and from ten to twenty men are engaged. "Meiteals" are not so common nowadays as they used to be sixty years ago because most of the potatoes used be left on the ground on account of the competition that used be between the diggers.
The varieties of potatoes grown in this district are as follows.
(a) Early - Epicure - Duke of York
(B) Main Crop - table varieties - Skerry Champions, Kerr pinks, Arran Victors, White Champions, Arran Banners.
Padhraig Ó Dálaig, Duibhe Lios, (13 bl)
The most harmful weeds which grow on the land in this locality are the Cupóg or dock-root, the Thistle, Chicken-weed, Wart-weed, "Bainecicaene", Mach-a-dá-abhá, Leisge. These weeds are very harmful because they impoverish the crops.
Where land is very rich the Cupog and Thistle grow rapidly. Heath and rushes usually grow in poor land. The juice of Saiste-Fiádhain boiled is supposed to be a good brink for hurt bones. Wart weed when rubbed to warts is supposed to banish them.
"Bruidhneacht an tailim" was sometimes used for dyeing clothes. Bainecicaen was used for poisoning fish, especially for poisoning fish in the rivers. Herbs were sometimes made use of for curing of cuts and sufferers were relieved by them.
Padhraig Ó Dálaig, Duibhe Lios
My Home District 8-6-38
My home District is in the of Drimoleague. In the townland of Deelis. In the Parish of Drimoleague. In the Barony of Carbery.
There are fourteen families living in the townland of Deelis, approximately a hundred people and the most common names are Hurleys and Donovans.
The houses, all of them are built with mortar and stones and roof with slates. It is supposed that the townland of Deelis got its name from an old lios that is in the land. There is about eight old people living in the land some of them are nearly eighty years some of them know Irish, some of them can tell stories in Irish, and all of them can tell stories in English.
In some parts of the townland there are five and six old ruins, in former times some of the young people emigrated to America and to England and to Scotland and to other countries. The townland is not mentioned in any song or saying. The land is good. It is free from woods. There is a little bog in the western side and another bit in the southern side There is a small lake near the western bog and a range of mountains on the north side and the river Ilen runs on the eastern side of it. there are no stories connected with these places.
Pat Joe Daly
Ainmneacha Páirceanna

Outdoor Games
Sally, can be played by four persons or more. A match of partners is arranged. The partners on each side join hands. Then one leaves and call one of the opposite side to follow him. If the pursuer succeeds in tipping him he is then "in jail" and must stand at a mark about a hundred yards away until his partner releases him. And so his partner tries to release him one of the opposing side follows him and tries to tip him. So the game continues until all the members of one side have been put in jail. Then the other side wins the game.
Bowl playing is the most popular game in this locality. It can be played in singles or by partners. The players begin at the same mark and each throws the bowl in turn. Which ever party reaches the score end in the least number of throws, wins the score.
Four-Corner-Fool can be played by five persons. Four players stand in a square and the "fool" stands in the middle. The four players endeavour to exchange corners the "fool" watches his chance to obtain a vacant corner. If he succeeds one of the others becomes the "fool".
Pat Joe Daly, Deelis
Headstone at Drimoleague Church Cemetery

Headstone at Drimoleague Church Cemetery
Family tree