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Cornelius Driscoll

Death Date : 19 Aug 1873

Catherine Donovan

Death Date : 9 Aug 1871




Cornelius Driscoll and Catherine Donovan, widow, married in Drimoleague Catholic Parish on 1 March 1829.  The Witnesses were William Young and Jerry Donovan.

Children born in Carrigbaun and baptised in Drimoleague Catholic Parish on dates shown:

Denis Driscoll, 28 Feb 1830.  Sponsors: Con Driscoll, Kate Driscoll.  Denis married Johanna McCarthy in 1863

Mary Driscoll, 24 Mar 1833.  Sponsors: Jerh Driscoll, Ellen Driscoll

Ellen Driscoll, 27 Feb 1835.  Sponsors: James Collins, Kate Driscoll

Jeremiah Driscoll, 14 Oct 1837.  Sponsors: William Driscoll, Norry Driscoll

Cornelius Driscoll, 17 Jun 1840.  Sponsors: Jerh Driscoll, Kate Driscoll

Catherine Driscoll, 14 Jun 1840.  Sponsors: William Young, Norry Driscoll

In Griffith's Valuation of Ireland we see Cornelius Driscoll was a tenant of House, Office and Land of 31 acs 1rd 4 pchs from one landlord and 1ac 1rd 15pchs from another.

Catherine Driscoll died at Carrigbawn on 9 August 1871.  From her death record she was married, aged 70 years, wife of a farmer.  Present at her death and the Informant of it to the Civil Registrar was Ellen Driscoll of Lahana.
Cornelius Driscoll died on 19 August 1883 at Carrigbawn, Drinagh.  From his death record he was a widower, aged 80 years, a farmer.  Present at his death and the Informant to the Civil Registrar was James Dempsey of Driminidy.


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