Oakpark McKeesport Tralee Allegheny County Co. Kerry Pennsylvania Ireland USA
Michael Moore of Oakpark, Tralee and Mary Fleming of Strand Street, Tralee married in Tralee RC Parish on 2 Feb 1875. The Witnesses were Timothy Collins and Patrick Collins. Michael was a son of John Moore Mary was a daughter of Gerard Fleming
Children baptised in Tralee on dates shown:
John (26 Mar 1876). Sponsors: Maurice Connor, Mary Connor
Elizabeth (24 Feb 1878). Sponsors: Michael Sheehy, Mary Malone
Gerald (Garrett) (6 Apr 1880). Sponsors: Michael Landers, Mary Walshe
Maurice (9 May 1882). Sponsors: John Moore, Elizabeth Sheahan
Mary (4 Jan 1886). Sponsors: Garret Landers, Margaret Landers
The family left Ireland about 1887 and then resided in Pennsylvania, USA
Children born in Pennsylvania, United States:
Hannah (Anna) (27 Dec 1889)
Helen (Ellen) (Apr 1889)
Marie Agnes (16 July 1891)
Michael died on 18 August 1895 in Elizabeth, Allegheny County, PA. He was buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Alpsville-Coulter, Allegheny.
U.S. Census 1900:
John Moore died on 5 Dec 1900 and is buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Coulter, PA Garrett Moore died on 18 Jan 1901 and is buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Coulter
U.S. Census 1910:
U.S. Census 1920:
Mary died on 10 October 1923 in Elizabeth Township, Allegheny, PA. She was buried in St Patrick's Cemetery, Coulter, Allegheny.
Maurice Moore died in McKeesport on 26 Jan 1957 Marie Agnes (Moore) Fey died on 23 Nov 1953 in McKeesport