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Florence McCarthy
Death Date : Not Available
Ellen McCarthy
Death Date : 14 June 1935

Co. Cork


Florence McCarthy was a son of Tim McCarthy & Anne Leonard

Ellen McCarthy was a daughter of Cornelius McCarthy & Mary Collins

Florence McCarthy a farmer of Barnagoulane and Ellen McCarthy a farmer of Lissane married in Killeenleagh Catholic Church, Caheragh on 12 February 1881.  The marriage witnesses were Cornelius McCarthy and Mary McCarthy.
Children born on dates on Civil Birth Register:-
Timothy McCarthy, 21 Mar 1882
Daniel McCarthy, 3 Oct 1883
Cecil McCarthy,
Mary Anne McCarthy, 24 May 1885
Florence McCarthy, 20 Apr 1888
Annie McCarthy, 26 May 1890
Helena McCarthy, 13 May 1892
Margaret McCarthy, 5 Nov 1893
Johanna McCarthy, 3 Jan 1896
Ellen McCarthy died at Barnagowlane on 14 June 1935.  From her death record she was married, aged 81 years, a farmer's wife.  Present at her death and the Informant of it to the Civil Registrar was her son, Florence McCarthy.


Children of Florence & Ellen
Front (L to R)  Annie, Mae
Back (L to R)  Hannah, Florence, Maggie

Florence and Ellen taken after 1900
Census 1901:
Census 1911:
Rest in Peace





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There is a pastoral property in far western Queensland, Australia, named Mount Leonard in the 1870s by my great grandfather
Robert Martin Collins apparently after some distant cousins in Ireland. Would welcome further information. Thank you, Carolyn Nolan

[By :carolyn nolan  ]